I have a few:

  • Chosen ones, fate, destiny, &c. When you get down to it, a story with these themes is one where a single person or handful of people is ontologically, cosmically better and more important than everyone else. It’s eerily similar to that right-wing meme about how “most people are just NPCs” (though I disliked the trope before that meme ever took off).
  • Way too much importance being given to bloodlines by the narrative (note, this is different from them being given importance by characters or societies in the story).
  • All of the good characters are handsome and beautiful, while all of the evil characters are ugly and disfigured (with the possible exception of a femme fatale or two).
  • Races that are inherently, unchangeably evil down to the last individual regardless of upbringing, society, or material circumstances.
  • tissek@ttrpg.network
    9 months ago

    The chosen one trope hands down all the time. I would love to get through Wheel of Time but I cannot stand chosen


    Rand and everyone around him is

    That series I have put down so many times. Having a “hero” protagonist that is essentially unkillable (because they are the title character) I don’t mind, Conan for example. We all know Conan won’t die because there is always another story about him. But he is not fated for anything, no grand destiny he has to achieve or the cosmos suffers.

    Second is also another that has been touched upon - the goodness of divine authority. Especially if it is light flavored. And nobles divine right to rule set as a standard of good etc. Give me stories of folks fecking up the system and creating their own anarchistic communities while continuing to feck up the system.