If you need to write articles about how totally not racist you are…
paywall, but im gonna bet the survey was something like
do you dislike the russian government? yes/ no
do you personally consider yourself bigoted or racist towards people of russian descent? yes/ no
I don’t even bother trying to circumvent the economist paywall anymore. The headline + Lenin quote tells me everything I need to know.
Literally yesterday, we had a couple of people coming up in here being like “WE NEED TO BRING RUSSIA DOWN AS A FLAMING WRECK AND DASH THEIR CHILDREN’S HEADS UPON THE ROCKS OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY”
We have people like that every day in other instances
Russians are the new Travellers. It is acceptable in the mainstream to be racist towards them.
The idea that ethnically Russian people are inherently barbaric or evil is classic racism. Russia has always had an opposition movement to Putin’s regime. Problem is they always end up dead.
Just don’t ask them about Polish people (or any other non-western nationality)