How does the embodiment of Actually Existing America get any work done when the embodiment of America As A Concept is flying around outside with super hearing?
How does the embodiment of Actually Existing America get any work done when the embodiment of America As A Concept is flying around outside with super hearing?
All these logistics of being the US state as it currently operates with Superman around would be interesting.
I’d also want to include political elements. Like what if Superman spoke out against the invasion of Iraq and the genocide in Palestine? What would be the response to Superman treating the US like any other villain?
Eventually superman would have to acknowledge no state is capable of the violence he is, and he needs to take a more hands on approach if he wants to make the world a better place. Kind of like the end of Alan Moore’s Marvelman run
Your literally describing the plot of red son, which is what if Superman landed in Soviet Russia instead of USA. He kills Stalin, fuck Superman.
I’d go further than red son and be less lib. Having the story set now rather than as an alternate universe period piece would make it more relevant as well
I believe that’s only in the animated version, in the comic he just fails to save him. The comic gets weird as hell tho, beyond just the typical complete misunderstanding of communism, capitalism, really anything about material reality or human nature.