I had a short conversation with a friend and we discussed whether the President of the United States or the Prime Minister of Canada had more power in their respective countries.
They just ruled Biden can kill a man.
(In retrospect I’m frustrated with the limited nationalistic framing our conversation had).
Well up until that court ruling it would certainly have been the Canadian PM. Political science nerds sometimes describe the Canadian system as a “benign dictatorship” when there is a majority government. Even our charter of rights and freedoms has a “whoops siiiiike” notwithstanding claus built into it.
The PM is restrained by their party in the way the president isn’t is my response. I know the leading party is basically in total charge, but the prime minister themselves is just the elected representative of the parties greater will. The Democrats can’t just remove Biden if he is deeply unpopular the way the Liberals could replace Trudeau if he was especially unpopular. The PM’s power is diffused throughout their party in the way a sitting presidents isn’t.
Fair comment.