I trust Trump about as far as I can throw him, and at the end of the day it’s really the Pentagon calling the shots here not the POTUS.

But dudes clearly speaking to a public sentiment here.

  • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    Casual homophobia, classic lib. Can’t express your point without making it about sexual pathology or slagging off the gays, right? Have you ever had a thought about politics or power and not somehow forced an analogy with a penis involved? Freud was right you twisted little pervert.

    Anyway, go figure Russians are people too so stopping their deaths is a good thing too if you, you know, give a shit about people. And even if we took your point at face value, an end to the war on Russia’s terms - which is all but certain anyway given the trajectory here - will still result in the end of maiming and murder of Ukrainian men on the Frontline and any civilian deaths from infrastructure bombing deeper into the country. The only reason that corrupt little rump state is still feeding bodies into the grinder is because Europe and America would rather sacrifice Ukraine than fight directly (CAN’T fight directly based on industrial output) and are happy to see others die on their behalf. Otherwise peace could have come long ago. But you bloodthirsty dogs believe whatever you’re told and clap along to the slaughter as your social benefits are converted into weapons and shipped across the Atlantic so they can be blown up in some trench in Eastern Ukraine all so that some military contractor can redo their kitchen in Boston. You want to talk about cucked? Look in the fucking mirror you sniveling worm.