I have not read Peter Zeihans’ book, but going only by the blurb, I do take issues with the notion that global supply chains are only working because of the US Navy. That seems a wholeheartedly American view - as if China, or India, or the EU wouldn’t be able to trade unless the US Navy existed. If the point is one about piracy, then I certainly let believe the fight against it, where it occurs, is deeply multinational and not dominated by the US Navy. Will have to read the book to understand his point, I think.
We’ll so far it’s been quite US centric so far, but I feel he has some solid arguments for most of his points. What’s been intriguing to me is his economic history. It’s presented in an engaging way.
Great links and recommendations.
I have not read Peter Zeihans’ book, but going only by the blurb, I do take issues with the notion that global supply chains are only working because of the US Navy. That seems a wholeheartedly American view - as if China, or India, or the EU wouldn’t be able to trade unless the US Navy existed. If the point is one about piracy, then I certainly let believe the fight against it, where it occurs, is deeply multinational and not dominated by the US Navy. Will have to read the book to understand his point, I think.
We’ll so far it’s been quite US centric so far, but I feel he has some solid arguments for most of his points. What’s been intriguing to me is his economic history. It’s presented in an engaging way.
Definitely reading it and thanks for the recommendation.