Got back from family vacation, got on the dreaded Facebook, found out the woman who was my first gf 12 years ago, and subsequently a friend I talked to pretty frequently, had died of liver failure at 33 years old.

Looking back on it, when she was drinking 12 years ago it just seemed like a fun time. I didn’t know she sustained that pace for a decade plus. Some other things took a toll too, like an eating disorder.

Anyways, I am fuckin sad, fuck alcohol, it’s as bad as heroin but capitalism gotta make that $$$$$

  • NoamParenti [they/them]
    7 months ago

    Feminized seeds aren’t worth it and IMO they’re just a trick from unethical breeders porky-happy to make it so you can’t make your own seeds. If you have the extra space you’re better off buying regular seeds and throwing the male plants away (or extracting their pollen, or making tea from their leaves). One European seedbank I just checked has 10 regular seeds Afghan Kush for 25€ excl. shipping, so it’s comparatively cheap. Male/Female (of course speaking strictly of plants here) ratio should be about 50:50. This has the added benefit that you’re then capable of producing more seeds almost for free by manually pollinating some branches of the female plants. Definitely look into specialized weed grower online forums for guides and tips. Be wary of advice from seed sellers, they have their own biggus-piggus interests to push feminized seeds and autoflowering seeds.