I have a few. I prefer the authentic ones vs the replicas. There are a few sites I found, US Based, that actually have better prices on some older jerseys because they can’t move them, just limited sizes.
I recently bought a knock off national shirt due to the crazy prices of the official ones. For the team i support i have 2 home shirts from the past 10 years and i bought last year’s away strip near the end of the season for cheap as they were getting rid of them.
Just one, of my favorite player. My wife got it for me online, and I’m pretty sure it’s counterfeit.
I hella want a SJ Sharks jersey (not football, I know) but I ain’t spending almost $200 on a big shirt. And that’s just the price I remember from the last time I was at the arena; which was many years ago.
I’ve got every Dunfermline home strip going back to 1986 including this season’s which I bought not half an hour ago.
Also a good number of our away tops and a couple of "European-campaign"strips (with said campaigns each lasting precisely one round of the UEFA Cup in 2004 and 2007!)
Plus a Scotland top and a few from other teams.
EDIT - oh and agree about prices. Not sure if you meant new or retro, but some of the old ones I’ve got are currently available on eBay for £200-300! For a Dunfermline top?!?
40 or so. I have shirts for my MLS (Sounders), NWSL (Reign), USLC (rip San Diego Loyal), USL1 (Madison), USL2 (Ballard) and national team (usa) sides. You’re definitely right that prices are getting exorbitant – I am probably going to have to sell some.
I have two authentic jerseys I bought (one home and one throwback retro) and one replica jersey given to me as a perk for going to my team’s very first game… plus (technically) a practice jersey that was stolen at a game when I changed to the new jersey I bought that day.
The practice one was cheap, like $35 or something. The perk one was kind of free but not really, since I had to pay for tickets plus travel to go to the game away. The other two were both ridiculously expensive for a shirt.
Absolutely none. I’m not rich I’m on poverty line.
I wish I could have one or two but can’t afford.