1. Trump’s head is fully exposed to hundreds of people with elevation advantage (lol at that one agent shielding Trump’s fat head with his hand)
  2. Secret service detail is entirely focused on moving the large son, they seem to have complete tunnel vision. Someone could’ve jumped out the stand and get a few stabs in even if they were immediately shot
  3. The only SWAT guy is also point man and he seems to be doing cursory checks in his path (like there’s no way he can spot a threat in the crowds on each side of him).
  4. The camera pans to the exit, and there’s still like 50 attendees around the area, a couple of local cops without weapons drawn just standing around like they’re waiting for a burger, and Trump’s detail is all focused on pushing his ass into the limo without really monitoring the surroundings

I know they have snipers at the event, but how many? Surely not enough to monitor the entire crowd of thousands while a dozen or so people are entirely focused on a narrow path. I know bodyguards’ are primarily task with moving the VIP to safety, but why is no one telling anyone to move back or have more people guarding the path? In this video and others, you can see random photographers running right up to the security’s pathway to snap photos. Surely this is a potential threat during an assassination attempt

  • D61 [any]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    Nothing really elite about them, no.

    They’ve got a fuckton of resources and authority though. Mostly their job is investigating people making threatening remarks and prepping locations wherever the president is going to be for their visit.

    But once there’s a crowd, its kinda up to the President to follow whatever the plan is after something goes down.

    Also, former presidents get a small Secret Service detail but probably not the same level of resources as the actual sitting president. So there’s gotta a more of a “security theater” thing going on.