AI could be such a neat, useful thing. But nope, capitalists can’t help themselves. Gotta use it to grift the internet with low quality content and steal from artists.

    • Smeagolicious [they/them]
      8 months ago

      I wouldn’t have much problem with it if it wasn’t in this capitalist system. As an amateur artist I get the frustration from freelance & commission artists having their art scraped for training data which can in turn cut them out completely. I wish it could exist in an environment where “AI” could just be a fun toy to generate stories, or images, etc., but that’s not where we are now. IP is a fuck but I’d support independent artists and their concerns over the blatant gross profit driven motivations behind the “AI” bubble

    • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Respecting IP is when you become a paypig for adobe, Microsoft, and media companies.

      Disrespecting IP is when those large companies steal from smaller fish who can’t do shit about it.

      In capitalism there’s no winning either way with IP law. AI is allowed to pirate every book/newspaper in existence for training data, but you as a human have to pay hundreds of dollars to read academic papers and gain real knowledge. Or you can freely use an underpriced AI in it’s “capture the market” stage of pricing/use to give me the simulacrum of knowledge.

      If I wrote open source code on github, I wouldn’t want Microsoft to use it to train anything, even if I’m okay with other people taking it to make useful open projects.