Yellow doesn’t meant “slow”, it means “stop if you still reasonably can, otherwise go”
Sure, a lot of drivers interpret that as “go fast before it turns red”. But “slow”? That doesn’t make any sense
Why is green on top?
It’s an Australian traffic light
-YELLOW: GO faster, but immediately hit the brakes hard as you can, if you get a feeling you don’t make it.
-RED: Take a nap. After it turns green, be so late that only few cars manage to leave.
Green- Go
Yellow- Go
Red- Go
You just go slow with a car length between you, then the crossing traffic does the same and you join in perfect symmetry.
In Morocco most people stop at red but then they’ll drive down the wrong side of the road to jump the queue and put themselves so far over the line they can’t even see when the lights change.
I like “left on red” countries where, on encountering a stop signal, you turn left, u-turn, turn left again, and carry on.
A popular manoeuvre in South East Asia.
You have no idea how little that narrows it down
Malaysia checking in! Can confirm!
Its like that here in Colombia. Especially if you’re driving a motorcycle or scooter. Traffic laws are merely suggestions.
Red - psh…, don’t worry about it, my cousin, he goes through reds all the time.
Green - stop, what if my cousin is coming from the side?
Game theory
Green is more like proceed with caution. At least thats how it feels lately.
Here in Egypt they very rarely exist, then it varies by town for the rare ones that do.
Most stoplights follow the second picture, but for my area of Giza it’s
Jeff Bridges taught me that red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go very fast. He was watching very closely.
(1984’s Starman, just so I can feel older today.)
No cop, no stop.