Welcome to the Weekly Question Post on c/guildwars2!

This post is dedicated to those questions that you might not think is worth making a whole post about, but sure is worth getting an answer to ;)

Remember to also take a look at the links in the sidebar, which holds lots of great resources and information.

  • barlescharkley@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    imo you can totally get into raids and fractals with 2-3 people.

    For fractals, you’re just 2 shy of a full party. Throw a post up on LFG and it’ll be filled in 5 minutes easy.

    For raids, have your friends learn healers or supports and you’ll quickly fill the remaining spots with “hi dps”-ers. Or honestly just having a 3/10 LFG post up will get some gamers filled in regardless of what you play. In my experience it’s the 1/10 groups that are the slowest to get started. Just make sure you post for the right roles (“w1 full clear lf adps,qdps” for example) so people know what the group needs.