I have taken psychic damage and still don’t even comprehend what this is supposed to mean.
If I’m not mistaken, this is referring to a bill that requires tampons to be stocked at Minnesota public schools free of charge, which is nice,. My wife is a teacher and we buy certain things to keep stocked in her classroom: tampons, deodorant, blah blah.
The kids really use em too. I don’t care to buy it, but I’m sure it’s much nicer to just have it done through the school.
Holy guacamole that’s why? I’ve seen other tampon memes and couldn’t figure it out. That’s hilarious they’re treating that like it’s a cudgel to beat him with. I guess the schools shouldn’t supply toilet paper either
Not quite. They are going after him for putting tampons in men’s restrooms. I assume this would be for trans men if it’s even true, which is cool and good ofc but they’re not attacking it as a “government handout”, they’re attacking it as a transphobia thing.
It’s certainly primarily for trans men, but it’s a good idea for other reasons too. Making tampons widely available helps destigmatize menstruation, and makes it far less likely that anyone who gets a period will be caught without one. It’s unequivocally a good thing he did, and it’s hilarious that they’ve settled on it as a primary line of attack.
I feel like it will be primarily used for when the girl’s room runs out and staff hasn’t restocked yet
I saw some lib elsewhere on the internet explain and this is why. Really continuing with the weird loser vibes these guys have been giving out lately if this ”Painty Can Ned” tier insult is what they’re going with.
Seriously. This will be a controversial issue to a handful of freaks online that will mention it in the same breath as litter boxes in school restrooms. I put this under: guaranteed I will never see this discussed offline category.
the fact this guy has not been buried up to his neck at low tide is a damning indictment on our society
Conservatives are really leaning into being weird creeps aren’t they?
Ian, you are not a US citizen, you live in south east Asia
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-> (except for maybe the Philippines) >
I think it’s an absurdist piece on the totality of gender norms in the workplace
sure, death of the author is a legitimate mode of media criticism.
I understand these freaks and weirdos don’t care about anything but control, but like, what even is the narrative here?
we must protect girls and women
but government handouts are bad
girls and women should stop being freeloaders and buy their own tampons
therefore, they should face humiliation and walk around with blood soaked pants and infections
It gets easier when you realize they think personal responsibility should apply to everyone except them and that they HATE women
Of all the real things to be critical of him about (AIPAC, Zionist, militarized police) they go after something that helped women and does a public good? Is this some reverse psychology play?
The right just hate women and trans people so seeing them get help pisses them right off.
They want the Middle East glassed, why would they care; this is just what they do, go after liberals for the dumbest social war nonsense because that’s what their base wants, they don’t care about the actual cudgels that are sitting right there
I think this is referring to the fact that the free tampons in schools thing made them available in male restrooms as well? idk whether that’s even true
Yes, this is the meme. It’s transphobia. SAD
ngl didnt look at the user at first and thought this was a blue maga lib posting this as a positive thing
Idk why they are trying to slander the guy with this particular topic. Menstrual products should be free. Can they not find any dirt on him outside of a DUI and this?
He let protesters ‘burn down his whole city’ is another one from the script.
My reaction to this image: ???
These people are pathologically incapable of not being weird.
Yup, its not like the girls restrooms have ever been broken, or packed so full at a very bad time that you might risk ducking into the boys restroom in an emergency, or be a trans guy, or some extra curricular activity has the boys restrooms temporarily used as changing rooms.
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