Trump seizes elons 400b doll hairs and distributes it to the people in a stimulus check
Trump seizes elons 400b doll hairs and distributes it to the people in a stimulus check
Chinese has the oldest cuisine and the best food culture and I worry about it bc the only export from the US that succeeded culturally and monetarily is the goddamn fried chicken and borger.
If only more people would have walked tuah a poll booth and vote on that thang 😭
I think it’s funnier that she was only president for 2 hours while Biden was getting a colonoscopy but I’m down for whatever
4090 playing osrs and poke rom hacks
This is good to know, I have a date with her later
Had a bad vibe about this fucker when he made the cotton picking joke during the Brady roast but at least that one had some cleverness not “hurrrhurrr Puerto Rico garbage!!”
Hell yeah freedom town finally a map for based patriots! Why is the “kamala sucks” sign missing the “sucks”?
On the bright side if trump wins we get funny memes back. Hamburders back in the White House
I watched this tik tok that hit the top page of reddit where it was a lib making fun of leftists not voting for genocide and they jerked themselves off over making the point that “uh yeah honey, there will be a genocide whether trump or Kamala wins but Kamala will be better for your real financial situation”
Yeah they’re built different lmfao their brains are room temp potato soup
Vinny Mac is gonna hate this but Brandy is a closet KHiver so I’m happy for her
Find a man who loves you like Bernie loves the genocidal heads of the Democratic Party 😍
So weird how Nate Copper’s model has gone from 64% to 53% chance for Kamala in only 3 weeks, wonder why
Average self-described “animal-lover”
Same guy on YouTube has a video titled “the beautiful girls in the world”
He probably read 7 Brazilian and thought “I can’t ban that many accounts!”
How else can you spend $7 for cold pizza sandwiches
Flag with two naked men with subtle tactfully drawn chest hair