I love when I’m talking to an American and they try and tell me that I " just don’t understand how big Texas is". So then I tell them that if Texas were in Australia, it would only be the fifth largest state, sixth if you include NT (which you should, their lack of statehood while having the largest percentage population of Indigenous Australians is telling).
I’m not sure where you think I said all Americans think, or say, this. But it is a phrase that only an American would say. You aren’t going to hear many Australians say it my friend.
I love when I’m talking to an American and they try and tell me that I " just don’t understand how big Texas is". So then I tell them that if Texas were in Australia, it would only be the fifth largest state, sixth if you include NT (which you should, their lack of statehood while having the largest percentage population of Indigenous Australians is telling).
Wow, great map. Thanks, really shows some perspective
I’m not sure where you think I said all Americans think, or say, this. But it is a phrase that only an American would say. You aren’t going to hear many Australians say it my friend.