I think his implication is, if the public’s reaction to her dropping an n-bomb is, well that’s her word she gets to reclaim it/use it, she’s black. If their reaction is, woah that’s racist she can’t say that, then she’s Indian.
I’m sure you’re correct, but I’m amusing myself with believing it’s some kind of phrenology shibboleth theory where they think only African American people are capable of saying the soft R.
I think his implication is, if the public’s reaction to her dropping an n-bomb is, well that’s her word she gets to reclaim it/use it, she’s black. If their reaction is, woah that’s racist she can’t say that, then she’s Indian.
So I looked up if Obama ever said the n-word and it’s just about what I expected
I think it’s used in his book as well, which he read for the audiobook.
get at them ribs
and pussy too
Get your own damn fries
That “I ain’t your b,
, get your own damn fries” clip was totally locked away in my memory for like the past 10+ years lol
“Gotta have them ribs” aktchually
I’m sure you’re correct, but I’m amusing myself with believing it’s some kind of phrenology shibboleth theory where they think only African American people are capable of saying the soft R.