For me it’s

  1. Final Fantasy Tactics

  2. Final Fantasy VII

  3. Final Fantasy XI

The three games I keep coming back to in the franchise.

Tactics has the best writing imo as well as gameplay.

Visually speaking VII’s aesthetic and music are peak FF.

And then when it comes to getting lost in the lore and world of a virtual game, I like XI.

Granted all 3 share similar themes like good writing, music, gameplay, etc. but those are my standouts.

How about you?

  • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
    7 months ago

    Only rating the story and presentation cuz it’s all i care about really.

    7 was great, cried real tears, felt real hate for an imaginary character. Was the perfect time for me to experience that story too, so it’s really my forever #1. The others were good, but comparably forgettable.

    Played 6,7,8,9,10.

    (Important to note ff7 was only my second-ever rpg so yeah, nostalgia)-