Rough, got laid off last week my sister is going through a divorce on the other side of the country
Had to put my cat down on Monday. She was with me for at least 18 years. That morning was rougher than I expected. I’ve lost several pets and all four grandparents without shedding a tear, but this was much harder.
I put on a youtube video of birds for her to watch, as I had many times before. Seeing her watching it as if she wasn’t feeling sick, knowing it was my last day with her, it fucking broke me.
I’m so sorry. I’ve been there several times. They all hurt. Hugs to you.
Thank you.
Sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
RIP kitty
My sleep has been horrible this week… more than usual. To pour some salt in the wound, I paid $17/pill for a sleep med not covered by my insurance that has not yet helped. (luckily only 10 pills)
Great job review, but no salary adjustment despite additional role and responsibilities. I’ve saved the company half a million dollars a year, it would cost them nothing. No thanks.
Judge gave me permanent guardianship of my almost teenage niece. She’s been with me 18 months now. It’s about time.
Could be worse. My DND character is in a precarious spot until next week and has a chance it could do very poorly.
I’ve also only had meetings at work today and I’m hiding under a blanket on my couch before this next meeting in 1 minute.
Looking forward to getting some better sleep and getting some gaming in later.
Already off to a better start than last week. Last week my 1 year old tested positive for Covid. My wife and I both got it, but had to suffer through while parenting. By the time the three of us recovered, my 3 year old ended up getting it. Seems we’re all finally healthy again to start off this week.
There was a sudden heat wave, so temperatures went from 0°C at night to 30°C at day in the course of a single week - and my body hates it, so I got a fever.
Eventually I said “you know what… fuck it” and spent the whole day
inon the bed. It worked like a charm!EDIT: “on” the bed, muppet me. It’s weird and scary how much my mental faculties (reasoning, attention, memory, communication…) degrade when I’m sick. Got the same happening IRL yesterday, as I was asking someone to bring me my bottle of ginger tea - saying something roughly translatable as “could you *send me here my tea?”.
I have two shifts totaling 14 hours left in the job that I hate, and will start at the job that I actually want next Monday. Life is looking great.
Not great.
My girlfriend has mysteriously disappeared. I haven’t heard from her in 2 weeks and don’t know where she is. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and the last time was because her work made her travel last minute to somewhere where her phone didn’t work. But after that happened, we set up a messaging app to talk to each other so that it wouldn’t happen again. I’m sure there’s some reasonable explanation for the situation, but it is still very painful and anxiety-inducing.
On top of that, my request for medical accommodations to continue working from home rather than being forced back to the office (on the grounds of a doctor’s note from my therapist) has been denied by my company’s bullshit HR process. The email they sent my manager made it clear that they basically just don’t consider invisible disabilities to be real disabilities. I’m going to fight it through my union, but it’s far more headache than I expected to have to deal with right now.
Tough and getting tougher, we’re releasing a major system into live usage in 2 weeks and we’re nowhere near ready
Busy, a few days ago I had a boss battle phone call with Merrill Lynch to unlock my account, and it turned out I was using the wrong website (the associate on the other end pointed out they had too many). This was a necessary part of a process to fill out paperwork and provide documents for the written stuff. Today, I’ve got an appointment in the afternoon. A game called SunnySide that I backed on Backerit will be releasing on console tomorrow; I will be glued to my Xbox Series S for quite a while. Saturday, I’ve got dinner with friends at a new brewery. Thankfully, this is not the bad kind of busy.