Financial pundits concerned by a politician driven by more than money.
The Democratic vice presidential candidate has no asset ownership, bolstering his regular-guy image. But is this what America wants from its leaders?
It’s what this American wants from his leaders, yes.
Did you seriously post an article arguing that Americans only want a rich person to be president?
I think the poster meant it to be ironic.
The big divide in the US is not so much between Republicans and Democrats as between people who invest and people who don’t.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
I sure wouldn’t be worried about savvy investors like DT being president. He was smart enough to inherit $400 million and then basically piss it away but still manage to scam a lot of people and banks over the years. Why didn’t Walz just try having richer parents?
Trump is the political version of a prosperity gospel preacher. Same shit, different venue.
The big divide in the US is not so much between Republicans and Democrats as between people who invest and people who don’t. For a man of his means who is running for America’s second-highest office, Tim Walz is on the wrong side.
God forbid a leadership position go to someone not in the ownership class!
In 2022, 58 per cent of Americans owned stock, either directly or indirectly through mutual funds. Based on his 2019 financial disclosures and his 2022 tax filings, the Democratic vice presidential nominee is not one of them.
So? The average American, who has maybe a 401k and some options thru their company, still has more shared class interests with someone who owns no stocks whatsoever than with someone who doesn’t have to work for a living.
The rest of the article fails to load, but looking at the author’s other pieces, we see she thinks price gouging is a myth and that another recession might actually be a good thing. She’s either so out of touch she may as well be from outer space, a soulless corporate sellout, or intentionally writing ragebait with an economic coat of paint.
This is also misleading because he has pension funds. Those pensions certainly have the money invested. They’re acting like the guy has no retirement plan.
Isn’t Trump millions of dollars of debt right now?
It is more than just wealth in politics.
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