A-fucking-men! Things can change fast, be ready to throw down!
A-fucking-men! Things can change fast, be ready to throw down!
Fun facts!
85% of people arrested with fentanyl at the border as U.S. citizens.
The vast majority of people arrested here for trafficking children are U.S. citizens (and children are over 3x more likely to be trafficked by an acquaintance or relative than they are a random kidnapper).
“Illegal aliens” commit less crime than natural born U.S. citizens.
Violent immigrants, perverted trans people, and incompetent DEI hires are all moral panics. You hear so much about them because the Republican party has nothing to offer that will make your life safer or easier.
A friend of mine asked this on one of his social media pages. This was one of the responses he got:
Yes, we are very happy with what Trump is doing. I am not worried about disdain. Ninety percent of people I know voted for Trump for the same reasons I did. We are $2 trillion in debt with waste fraud and abuse running rampant in our government. Leftists are pushing transgender ism on our teenagers and I know this because I teach in public school and l’m not part of the union but still get publications from them. They are pushing for men to compete in women’s sports. DEl is a complete disaster for what should be obvious… instead of equal opportunity it’s forced equal outcome. The immigration system is a complete mess with millions coming over our border unvetted, while 400,000 children are sex - trafficked and people are killed by fentanyl. In Springfield, Ohio near to where we live, 30,000 Haitian immigrants have taken over a lot of of the city, are driving without drivers licenses, are flooding into the schools that can’t even handle the influx. In many cities, homeless people have totally taken over police departments, sleeping on floors and crime has gone up greatly. The previous president admitted to getting millions from our adversaries around the world and doesn’t even have a defense for it and can’t say what service he provided to get this money… the left censored our speech during the Biden era and lied to us about the vaccine, etc. That administration was the most corrupt in history. We teachers can no longer discipline in schools. I could go on and write chapters on everything!
It made me equal parts sad and infuriated to read that. This person has absorbed so much propaganda, accepted tons of misinformation as fact, and fallen for just about every moral panic currently out there.
I keep getting recruiters sending me in-office jobs on the other side of the country and not even telling me the salary range. You’re asking me to break my lease, uproot my family, and leave behind all my local friends. If your salary is low enough that you don’t want to advertise it up front, why would I ever even consider doing all that?
The media is gonna spin things no matter what. Dems should not let that stop them.
I like the idea! I feel like there are a ton of policies that have been really popular for a long time (legal weed, single payer healthcare, abortion protections) that elected officials have failed to sufficiently act on. I’m also pissed about politicians getting elected and suddenly changing their politics (looking at you, Fetterman). Don’t get me started on the electoral college or gerrymandering.
Folks in this thread seem to complain that the average voters is too disengaged / ignorant for this to work, but I don’t see how representative democracy is any better with that. I cannot imagine any form of democracy that can do better than garbage in, garbage out.
With all the junior devs he surrounds himself with, I’d expect him to be sick of XSS by now.
Not in an emotional way, but like digesting news from around the world and seeing logically we are fucked so may as well just quit?
I would challenge that belief.
Things are bad, sure. Climate is gonna change, people are gonna fight and die over the dumbest shit, and billionaires are going to loot any public good they can get their hands on.
But good people are still fighting. It’s a lot less top-down and much less visible, but it’s happening. Lives can still be saved, the damage can still be mitigated, and the bad guys can still be meaningfully opposed. Things can change quickly!
We have to keep in mind that the news is never gonna be good. Even when it isn’t a glorified right-wing propaganda machine, it’s a business that thrives on attention. And things that make you sad or scared or angry are always gonna grab your attention more than anything else.
We’re not getting hit by a giant meteor. We’re not all irrecoverably fucked. It’s better to prepare for an uncertain better future than give up preemptively!
It burns my ass that some folks actually bought the whole “Trump doesn’t support Project 2025” bullshit. I cannot imagine being such a gullible, credulous moron.
I would create a device that could locate any missing object. Go treasure hunting to make a living, and help find missing people / pets when I can.
This is the song that got me into them back in high school!
Put the man who envisioned a stateless and currency-less society on a state-issued currency? Still a better pick than Jackson.
The core of communism is having a stateless, classless, moneyless society.
None of them want that, nor did any of the states they support achieve it.
I’ve had to explain this one to some friends and family.
North Korea calls themselves a democracy. But we can all agree that when there’s only one motherfucker on the ballot, what you have is NOT a democracy, right? Calling yourself something doesn’t make it true.
So when a country calls themselves communist but has suicide nets on their fucking factories, the same shit applies. Communism has a definition, and a society can fail to meet that definition while still claiming to be communist.
You may also want to check the extruder arm. The stock plastic one on the ender 3 is prone to cracking.
There isn’t one. Goodness is not one thing, and showing compassion or thoughtfulness in one domain is no guarantee that someone isn’t a monster in another.
This is me. Wife and I both lost our jobs, fascist got elected, cat got out yesterday. Shit has been hard.
I really love the difference between how the dealer uses items and how the player does. You smash the magnifying glass and check the chamber; the dealer smashes it and looks through it, somehow seeing through the gun. The dealer cuffs you to the table; you hand the cuffs to the dealer for it to cuff itself. You turn on the mysterious device that turns a blank into a live round; the dealer simply smashes it.
It really sells that you’re dealing with some other-worldly entity that isn’t overly concerned about getting shot with a shotgun.
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but Ad-Nauseum is a nice way to inject a ton of garbage into the data corps collect.
Dammit, I have already bought two knives you’ve featured in these. This might be #3.