It’s like 2016 and 2020 never ended. flattened-bernie

If everyone had voted for hillgasm she’d have won. maybe-later-kiddo

  • Dr.
    7 months ago

    I honestly don’t think they’ll win without a cease fire. While most Americans don’t care right now, if escalations continue, we could see Israel fighting a war on 4 different fronts. The IDF numbers are already low, evidenced by the expansion of compulsory enlistment. The US will likely have to put boots on the ground. In my opinion, that would be poison for the Harris campaign, libs don’t give a shit about dead Palestinians but they hate seeing American kids sent back in coffins.

    Will Harris be smart enough to push Biden to turn up the heat up on Bibi? Will Biden set aside his eternal love for Israel to do so? Not sure about Biden, but Harris at least seems to be fairly smart and has been making some smart moves. I wouldn’t trust her to do the right thing based on moral or ideological grounds but I do expect her to be politically smart. But again, no clue on Biden, hard to predict given that his brain is mashed potatoes at the point.