this is useful information, remembering this for when i’m going back.
express used to switch between acceptable and unusable (and expensive), asdrill was recommended to me by obnoxious people so i never tried it (also expensive), and nord was completely unusable
Astrill does work but has fairly frequent downtimes and is overall mid (in China at least)
Lets VPN was up until recently very reliable but there’s reports of users getting banned by AI that deemed the users were committing crimes. Does have Chinese users because they’re one of the few that bothered to have Chinese language support
this is useful information, remembering this for when i’m going back.
express used to switch between acceptable and unusable (and expensive), asdrill was recommended to me by obnoxious people so i never tried it (also expensive), and nord was completely unusable
Express is owned by an Israeli billionaire
Nord, Surfshark et al don’t work in China
Astrill does work but has fairly frequent downtimes and is overall mid (in China at least)
Lets VPN was up until recently very reliable but there’s reports of users getting banned by AI that deemed the users were committing crimes. Does have Chinese users because they’re one of the few that bothered to have Chinese language support
Mullvad is my go to, as previously stated
my hard earned xibucks have been eaten by a settler parasite
at least i managed to get some free months by complaining about how much their service sucked
Yeah, I bought an HP laptop right before I found out HP are the ones supplying and maintaining the IDF’s technology. Fuckin RIP.
I “borrowed” my HP laptop from my employer, where do I stand?