The big deal is there’s no shame. They couldn’t sing about any other violent group, from the Ku Klux Klan to Al-Qa’ida, because their acts are rightly seen as grotesque and their cause entirely illegitimate and immoral. But there’s no shame in the IRA. Why?
TIL violence is an ideology that links the IRA, KKK, and Alqaida. Really they’re all the same thing
This is unironically the Liberal mindset distilled. Identity Politics has them linking together groups based around behaviors as much as other features. Violence is just another behavior that can link together disparate groups politically. It’s is, you know, the root neurosis causes them to react so hard against, the IRA, Al Qaida, *sniff* revolutionary communism, and so on, as a way to act out their own inversion. It is precisely this moment, you know, *sniff* that is Ideology.
NOT the British armed forces though! Do not say that the empire was violent at all!
because their acts are rightly seen as grotesque and their cause entirely illegitimate and immoral
They already answered their own question. Because the cause is not entirely illegitimate and immoral.
Irish tories
creations of the imperial core
Is this the same as a fighting against the imperial core
Lmao it’s so absurd on the surface, it’s just anti-violence in all ways (except when it’s done by a state and their enforcers).
Childlike position. People are fine with violence depending on what it is wielded for, and for these people they see the cause as having been just.
Also the songs are banging.
If you sing God save the king you’re basically al Qa’ida, but unironically
Self defense is only okay when I do it. When you defend yourself against me though that’s wrong
They wouldn’t sing about…the Ku Klux Klan
“…well, they would, but they’d make sure to make it dog-whistley enough for plausible deniability so they can play it on the radio”
Sadly I am not surprised.
If hurting people is bad, and makes you a bad person
Then why are they so pro
Because the people who support the ways that the British Empire hurt people don’t think of those hurt people as people.
why do the kids support a struggle for national self determination but not vigilante white supremacy or reactionary religious fundamentalism?? difficult to say frankly. i blame the parents.
They couldn’t sing about any other violent group, from the Ku Klux Klan to Al-Qa’ida, because their acts are rightly seen as grotesque and their cause entirely illegitimate and immoral.
I’m not British (small mercies, I guess?) but I’m assuming that children still get taught the national anthem over there so this argument doesn’t hold water.
Carey lives in County Meath and is married with three children.[15] Her father William Carey was a Fine Gael councillor for 47 years on Meath County Council.[16][17]
Lmao of fucking course she’s the fail child of some blue shirt dickhead.
“I didn’t come around to supporting what is now Sinn Féin until the late ‘90s, until the peace process…. They’re not left enough for me, but they are of the left, at least,”
if someone were genuinely this ignorant it would be one thing. but it’s not, so we should just shoot this person.
“but you always say we should shoot people!”
yes, and i’ll stop when it’s not the most appropriate solution to a given problem
lmao shitting on irish folk music with their insane english reactionary takes
plot twist this is an al-qu’ida thinkpiece