I hope everyone has a great night ❤️
My headache wasn’t too bad today, and I got to Wfh which helped heaps.
Work is going OK, responsibilites are amping up, but I like that. Get along OK with most people which is a plus.
Thank you everyone who put up with my drama over the last 6 months. You guys all made such a huge positive impact on my life. I don’t know if I would have gotten through it without you ❤️
Bonus cat
I am so happy things are working out well for you. You really deserve this. 😘
Thank you ❤️ it’s been a hell of a journey
I’m so glad you kept at it and persisted even though it was hard.
One of my friends tried to switch careers and had a ton of IT tech experience and he couldn’t for the life of him find a job many years back.
In the end he went back to his former company as they were happy to take him back if things didn’t pan out.
Don’t forget to treat yourself to something special every now and again!
You earned it and put in the hard work to get where you are now. You did that for you and Gibson, and you’re succeeding.
She’ll get only the best of treats and toys she won’t play with lol
They always prefer the packaging 😭
I’m just happy to hear things have worked out so well for you and you’re enjoying your work
Thanks mate. I really appreciate it. I hope things get better for you soon as well ❤️
It’s important to stack your cats to start the morning. Ignore the dog, she’s pretending to be neighbourhood watch.
Admirable cat stacking effort
What can I say, it’s a skill. It only lasted 30 seconds before fisticuffs but it was worth it!
Omg. It’s like the Brady Bunch.
High alert! It was a leaf falling from the tree…
You’re lucky she was there.
Our lives were certainly in jeopardy.
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You should design for ikea
Does it help that it dissolved into biffo after about 30 seconds?
Very impressive cat-stacking! My day has devolved into cat-herding. I blame the recent full moon
Cat herding is a skilled profession.
🎶 One of these things is not like the other… 🎶
So cute :)
to the fucker who microwaved fish in the office: Do us all a favor and tell your boss you have to change to WHF full time since you are clearly unable to work in a civilized office.
I was more thinking “make like a Russian oligarch who doesn’t support the war” and out the window with 'em.
Or go Russian Tsar and make up lies about Tsarina Fish-Microwaver fucking horses
It’s 2024. Who the fuck doesn’t know about how much people hate this?!?!
Do us all a favor and tell your boss you have to change to WHF full time since you are clearly unable to work in a civilized office
If that is all it took to wfh full time I would be microwaving fish every hour.
Perfect time to start having loud conversations with co-workers on the topic.
‘Oh my god…did you smell the lunch room? Absolutely foul fish smell from the microwave’
‘Couldn’t eat my lunch actually. The fish smell absolutely ruined my appetite’ (I would even be extra petty and claim reimbursement for lunch as you weren’t able to enjoy it)
and things of that nature
I dont know specifically who it was, and its a large space so I didnt say anything. Shoulda have though.
Even better!! A general conversation that the offender might overhear.
You’re not picking on anyone in particular, you’re highlighting a shitty act.
And to think, if you punished them, YOU would be the one to get in trouble.
Sounds like a @Force_majeure123@aussie.zone manoeuvre.
Never! I only microwave potato in the office. Sardines are an at home food only
mmm office potato 😋
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I’m doing one of the longest DOMESTIC trips there is in a few weeks and am flying a full-service airline.
I do this trip usually a couple of times a year and have been burned by Jetstar one too many times, pre-Covid I made the decision to just pay the extra and be done with it. Never regretted it.
Some of my family still insist on Jetstar even though they can easily afford the alternatives, and it’s a never ending tale of delays, cancellations, lost luggage (on DIRECT flights?!?!), broken seats and misery and tears.
@mysticgreg Yeah if the whole family are flying, no checked luggage, the difference is worth the misery. If it’s just one ticket, real airlines ftw.
qantas/BA/AA/Singapore economy used to be the same quality as business on other airlines. I haven’t flown in a decade so it’s probably changed
Best long-haul flight of my life was an Economy Qantas flight 8 years ago, from Sydney to LA in the little ‘secret’ Economy section on the top deck of an A380. Stalked those seats online and changed ours when they came free a week or so before we left.
It was like Business-lite for an Economy fare. A little section of really only a few rows. Quick boarding, heaps of room, friendly, attentive staff, two-abreast seating so it was just my wife and I with no random third wheel. Made the trip SO much more comfortable.
The return trip downstairs was like being wedged into a cattle truck in comparison.
I love flying top deck
I also love flying in small 30 seat embrears
or five seater props that you have to climb in
I just love flying so much . :)
Sees this comment after news update on TV about man being arrested on Jetstar flight for opening emergency door while plane was taxing.
By the time you add luggage and food (not going to eat for 9+ hours??) it ends up not being much cheaper if at all.
In the long run it’s the same cost and much more reliable to buy business class tickets. Delays cost money , having to rebook costs money, extra baggage costs money, food, lounges now cost money, having to recover from long flights with too many layovers all subtract from quality and value and cost money.
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I’ve done it to Hawaii, there was no other direct flight option from Melbourne. It was ok enough, but food options are rubbish, so I reckon buy your own at the airport and take it on the plane.
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I’ve actually had nothing but good experiences internationally with Jetstar. Have done Japan and Hawaii with them. Internationally they seem to have their shit together, I think maybe because airport costs are higher for delays where the airline is at fault…? Domestically, a different story - would always spend more to avoid.
man I wont even travel domestically on Jetstar these days. Not when Virgin is just 10 bucks more and you get luggage.
Sooo yeh I’m in between jobs rn and it feels pretty awesome
You know how you put banana’s into the freezer to make banana cake and eventually end up just throwing out a hoard of old bananas before starting the cycle again? I pulled out my bananas and made a cake.
My shoulder is fucked, which means possible headache most of the day.
Hopefully not…
You gotta stop jacking off with just one hand, you gotta switch them up dude
Nothing I can say to respond to this is SFW lol
I don’t think my comment was sfw, lol I don’t even work ha
bruh its 2024. Everyone should be using a toy these days.
Ikr, they make some really good ones for men, I think everyone should check our bad dragon
heatpack on your neck/shoulders asap.
So, most of my practical** assessments are done for this semester, bar one which should be done next week. Just gotta review them before submission, tighten up some terminology, and I’m sorted.
Crazy how I absorb so much information and do so well, when I’m not abused on the phones for 8 hours straight
Edit: not practice 🤦♀️🤦♀️ practicals ugh
Funny how competent we can be when allowed or when circumstances are better.
It’s like I’m a new me!
when I was a wee lass we called it “prac” , there was prac and there was theory, one lecture a week of each
prac was always the hardest as you had to pass each and every week
I just accidentally ate two slices of banana cake. In my defence it is still warm from the oven.
That’s just testing to make sure it’s ok. It can take up to 4 largish slices to deem it edible.
I have followed your advice, testing has now deemed the cake ok. Fortunately it was a large cake 🤣. I now have 16 slices packaged in the freezer, and two more slices to take into work for the next two days.
Only two? What impressive self-control.
I would be interested in how big the slices were.
Wouldn’t be two half loaf slices would it?
family whinge
Niece seems to have zero interest in hanging out with me and makes the thinnest of excuses to do so while spending almost every weekend with my cousin 2 hours away by train. Also sucks that cousin who used to be in touch more has glommed onto having her over and I’m basically invisible to them… stings a bit but I’m kind of okay with it since I don’t super enjoy either of their company tbh, and I certainly hated obligatory aunty visits when I was that age. I’ve made it clear to my brother that I’ve tried but if his daughter’s not interested I’m not going to push it, she’s old enough to decide. Just wish she’d be more honest.
The thing that gets me hackles up is that I suspect very, very toxic ex sister in law is increasingly involved and brainwashing said cousin (who is of the gullible type). She’s all about secrets and drama and thinks nothing of creating division to get attention she cover her numerous lies (including in court - she is utterly shameless). Years of being hated on by her - and in the past, my brother as well - make me ultra sensitive to some BS being spread about me…
… But fuck it. If cousin is going to believe that officially duplicitous bitch over knowing me from childhood then I’m not going to waste any more mental energy on the lot of them. Focus on the people who believe in and care about me
In other news, what a ripper day outside! Got back my blood test results and my vit D is the best it’s been in winter, the supplements definitely helped but so has being out on nice days like this.
So many hugs. It’s so hard when we have people like that in our lives.
I went NC with my family of origin, it was sad but the no drama was worth it.
Good night everyone and may no greebles bother you in the night 😘
Good morning, I was unbothered by greebles for the entire night. Miss Meow crept in early this morning to guard me from any that may have decided to make an appearance. I hope your night was simalarly greeble free.
I think I have some visit me, I didn’t sleep fully through without waking up through the night.
75% of my team is sick and WFH…I mean so am I, but still.
There’s definitely some funky office bug circling.
apparently there is a week long gastro thing doing the rounds too. You gotta love it. My boss was off with covid the other week.
Oh damn I hope not gastro. That stuff wrecks me. I’ve got a bit of a wonky stomach today, but I have been eating bean and cabbage soup for a few days (delicious).
Yeah same! My stomach was off last week too. I didnt throw up but just felt weird all week. Wasnt sure if I ate something bad or if it was crook.
Half our office is off sick with something. Oddly peaceful
I have decided to treat myself.
I bought 6kg of chicken drumsticks.
I will be well fed!
Aw yeeee boiiii, two hands one mouth those drumsticks, like the hominids of old! Go full caveman!
There’s going to be carnage. RAWR!
How much are they at Coles?
Dunno. I bought them at Woolies for 4 dollars a kg.
I know Aldi is slightly cheaper but I think there’s more meat on the drumsticks that I picked up.
I was talking about the dinosaur bones. ☺
Oh silly me
🦖 🍗
🦴 🦴 🦴 🦴
Thinking of you today @underwatermagpies@aussie.zone ♥️🫂
Thanks so much. It’s actually next Thursday, but I’m feeling ok about it at the moment. Thinking about a day at the hot springs, soaking in hot water.
I will unthink about you today and think about you next Thursday. Hot Springs sounds like a good idea.
80s kids party food please.
Already got: fairy bread, snakes in cups, choc crackels, those cornflake things, terrible little frankfurts.
Those cornflake things are called honey joys. They deserve respect.
Thanks. I’ve need to mod them though, got a peanut allergy guest.
I hope this helps.
I think your thinking of crunchy nut cereal.
damn straight!
Cheezels, a bowl of smarties and frog in a pond.
Jelly slice, jelly slice, jelly slice.
Party pies! And dead horse to eat with franks and pies and mini sausage rolls. Best put on table in bowls so the sauce bottle doesn’t get used as a weapon or smashed on the floor. Ask me how I know this (no, don’t - it’s embarrassing).
Toffee apples, but make one an onion.
I saw a reddit post where someone put Brussels sprouts in Ferrero Rocher wrappers for Halloween. Fucking genius.
We have a family tradition of lamingtons but one is a kitchen sponge. Funnily enough, there’s always leftover lamingtons.
Jelly cups
mini pizzas
mini sausage rolls
I think the last two aren’t decade specific
Toffee in patty pans
Asparagus rolls if you want a ‘posh’ grown up option.
Oooh toffees. How much paper did you end up eating because it was stuck to the toffee?
Too much. Getting braces put a swift end to that.
Oh yes! Sprinkles in toffee.
It will be a total mash up kids stuff, Halloween, and the usual adult cheese etc boards.
Frog in a pond? Nuts and bolts
No idea what nuts & bolts is in this context?!
Oh. I deem this substance unpartylike!
English muffin pizza faces, butterfly cupcakes, little meringues, jelly cakes.