I needed to clean up my Google account but couldn’t remove all my YouTube subscriptions because Google doesn’t allow it, SO FUCK YOU GOOGLE. I searched online for a solution but only found broken scripts. So, I made my own working script to unsubscribe from all channels efficiently. Sharing it here in case anyone else is in the same boat. Hope it helps!
When I cleaning up my instagram account I wanted to delete all bookmarks. There was no button for “delete all”, so I also looked for a script. Then my account got suspended for like 2 weeks because its against their TOS to give such tools access to my account…
It may be easier with a userscript. It runs in the browser and automates clicks, so it’s less obvious
I’m so glad I nuked my Facebook a few years ago before these companies were paying this much attention to web automation.
Thanks, I’ll take a look at these
I have a bone to pick with Instagram. The platform only allows me to remove 100 likes at a time, and I have to do it manually, post by post. Even though I haven’t used their ‘remove like’ feature in months, attempting to do so now results always in an error. And just to clarify, I haven’t used any scripts to remove my likes; I’ve always done it manually, yet Instagram continues to block me.
Why not just delete your account? We’re on a privacy
subcommunity after all.What is the baby supposed to be in this case?
The account.
I have deleted my YouTube channel, but my subscriptions are still active. I can’t delete my entire Google account because it contains important information that I don’t want to lose.
How about migrating this information?
Then I need to change email address for my bank account, and it would probably be a hassle to do.
… but worth wile!
@loudWaterEnjoyerOh no then I have to change the connected mail account, better let myself get fucked over so hard I develop Stockholm syndrome
Can’t be that much work, can it?
I just use RSS feeds to follow YT-channels. It’s doesn’t seem any less convenient than a YT account.
This is the way. Not to mention being able to sort them into categories.
I would love to - but I don’t have any! No Google account. 🤑
Some subscriptions at #Peertube I have.This is super useful, I was thinking about writing something similar myself recently. Thanks for sharing! Being able to scribe the acfou t clean and start over is very useful. I have 900+ subscriptions that I guess just built up over time. Too many to manually work through and remove the ones I actually dont watch.
No problem, my guy. I found myself in the same situation with over 1,000 subscriptions. After finalizing the script yesterday, I quickly unsubscribed from all of them, saving my time, mental health, and my mouse switches!
Is there even a way to see what you’re subscribed to on youtube?
You mean, something like this? https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions