I imagine that fat wad of cash in their back pocket isn’t helping their “memory”.
Lying like that should have some consequences.
In theory, this is where the media do their job. But in NZ unless tvnz picks it up, only politics nerds will know about it
“Surely a bit of transparency would help the minister. But instead, she’s hidden documents, claimed not to know where they came from, [and] misrepresented them in Parliament. That’s not the behaviour of a minister who has got nothing to hide.”
Sounds like a certain party I know of in my home country.
Ministers have to cite specific grounds for withholding information. Costello said redactions were made under a clause of the OIA which protects the “confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials”.
Costello’s office did not address questions from RNZ about how she could use this clause if she did not know who wrote the document.
Right wingers are dishonest everywhere. It’s part of the schtick.
Sounds like a certain party I know of in my home country.
sounds on the mark for NZ First as well
That’s really quite gross
When there’s this much naked corruption at the top level you can be pretty sure that where the government are coming in to directly overrule their public services there’ll be a lot of lower level corruption too.
Wow. That’s extraordinary. Let’s watch #tvnz complelety ignore or downplay this
This sits well with the fast track bill, more corruption from NAFf.