Can you guess, where is this picture from? 🖼 🐸
Man, my guy Plank sure cleans up nice.
Such a breath of fresh air to see some happy, wholesome posts on Lemmy.
Somewhere on the Baltic Sea, I would assume. But I don’t know exactly where.
I’d say Tallinn
Looks a bit like P.O. box 963 New York City, New York state, 10108!
P Sherman 42 wallaby way sydney?
Stick Stickly.
I too have had that jingle in my head for 30 years. I will forget my childhood address before forgetting that PO Box.
30 years later and I can still hear the Stick Stickley song lol.
It does tend to STICK in the memory!
Find one that looks at you like that
Based on a reverse image search,
it looks like Binz, Germany? I’m leaning towards Strandzugang 7, but less confident about that.
Someone made a series of formal posts.
Now they need hats to give them a longer life.
South of Brazil?
Looks kinda like Brittany
it can be
but i don’t see any wild carrot or gorse (ulex?) or broom. not even blackberries or some lichen
edit: fennel too, fennel, fennel and fennel again
True! Gorse everywhere! It was also that the bretons seem keen on having weird spouse effigies around the place. But to be fair, they mostly seem to be at roundabouts!
Sarasota Florida
will you tell us where the photo is taken?
It´s the Rügen beach, near the city Binz - there is summer vacation resort near the Ostsee :)
thanks & were right then
Well, I hoped Qualified Kitten 😺 would not cheat with Google Images but yes, he was also right.