Glad I could help!
/u/clay_pigeon on Reddit
Glad I could help!
Is your first game “Burn Cycle”? https://www.mobygames.com/game/3962/burncycle/
or maybe Freedom Fighter? https://www.mobygames.com/game/21664/freedom-fighter/
Hey that’s neat. I think I saw this back on reddit.
Gonna give it a try.
Bookshop.org supposedly shares revenue with your local book store.
No. He hadn’t fired ATC yet.
What are we looking at here?
I’m losing it. Is that JD Vance, or the SNL version?
Pretty standard, really.
Gonna get a whopper and a 40? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7ANZ8Osnz4
That’s an odd thing of which to be proud, but I’m the same way with mainstream music. We just like to feel like we are unique sometimes.
Joe Exotic is the guy from the Tiger King documentary that went viral during lockdowns. He’s a gay republican presidential candidate, a (former) zoo owner, a tiger breeder and illegal seller, and currently in jail for attempting to have a rival zoo owner murdered.
50501 is doing state capitol protests again tomorrow I believe, and there’s a Ukraine protest at the House office building in DC, and there’s a No Kings protest tomorrow at I think the Capitol ahead of his address to congress. There’s a lot going on, but none of them are big enough and not enough people know about them.
I can see the first but not the second from Connect for Android.
I invite everyone that doesn’t suck!
You are a useful idiot. Russia could have chosen not to invade a country with whom they had a treaty specifically saying they wouldn’t.
The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and The United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.
The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and The United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
I wish I knew how I fixed it, but I’m glad it’s working.
I used /all back on Reddit too, and it’s great to see you adding some non-political, non- Linux content for us!
Thank you for explaining, and thank you for contributing content to the Fediverse.
I’m not a planespotter, just here from /all. Out of curiosity, are these pictures of interesting planes or liveries, or just regular old activity at the airport?
If there’s something noteworthy about the picture, could you mention it if it won’t be obvious to those of us not in the know?
If you just like pictures of any old planes, then you do you!
~$ echo $TZ
~$ cat /etc/timezone
But it’s working now for some reason, so I dunno. I would guess that this means I don’t have a user timezone set?
For fun, I changed the TZ in the clock menu (Date and Time - System Settings) to something outlandish and tried the same commands - No change in the terminal, but the system tray clock did change to the new TZ. Still blank $TZ and America/New_York. I dunno.
Yeah I’m not 100% sure what happened there - I took the screenshot next to the current time so y’all could see the three hour difference. I was flipping time zones in the settings back and forth to try and fix it because it seemed stuck, but obviously the times match in the picture. Either it fixed itself while I was messing with it, or I was an idiot and took the picture while I had it set to the wrong time zone (which, factoring in the mysterious incorrect offset, was the correct time). I’m not sure.
Of course he did. He’s got to deal with Trump’s abominable behavior and statements if he wants the support he needs.