Since I’m a WoW addict, naturally I’m a Blizzard fan, of sorts. But my mind is blown every time I see anything from Call of Duty on the launcher. I’ve been really out of the loop, and recently saw this… and I’m shocked. You have to BUY the game for “open beta access”, like how does that make any sense? Also, the general look of the game and its marketing now looks like a $5 ripoff FPS game on Steam… What the heck happened?

    7 months ago

    Nope. I also totally missed even Black Ops 5 existing. But then again, what I’m looking for in a CoD game (good split screen offline local multiplexer with a decent selection of maps and not too much bullshit) hasn’t really been met since BO3. All newer ones are either online only (in varying degrees of awfulness, ranging from no splitscreen at all to splitscreen with two activision accounts required) and/or have a terrible split screen layout. Haven’t tried WWII though, so far, which might still be good enough (and interesting due to less bullshit than bo3, my current fav that isn’t from the 360/ps3 era)