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The attacks claimed the lives of an Indiana woman and an Oregon man, both cisgender people.
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The world is a nightmare.
That seems untrue; we never wake up.
If we never wake up, then we are still asleep and inside the nightmare.
I prefer thinking I’m part of the simulation, so I can try finding bugs and cheats without any guilt.
What if others are real and victims of bugs and cheats?
But maybe climate change will take care of it all and we won’t be here to see it…
Silver linings baby
I was just saying to my husband the other night, ‘ive known a long time that I’d see the end of the world in my lifetime. I just didnt expect to see it before I turned 40*.’
*90s kid for reference
They know. That’s why they’re doing it, to terrorize people back into the shadows.
That cuntry music asshole is the same. He knows what that song is about and it is 100% on purpose.
This is just disgusting. Those people were just minding their own business, and these fucking psychos just couldn’t leave them alone. The state of the world is depressing af.
The GOP/Nazi party members at it again. You can always tell when they are at work. They are so damn stupid.
This is no longer a “hate crime” issue. The Republicans have created a terrorist organization. These people are terrorists and should be treated as such.
@stopthatgirl7 The problem is people just want to get in the way of me and other Trans people from living our lives, it doesn’t help they are literally trying to kill us as well as allies around us. Thank you for all the allies that do stand by our side, we are sorry you have to suffer the same pain for standing up for us being ourselves.
If we don’t stand at your side then all we do is lend legitimacy to their side. We are all brothers and sisters in the fight against hate. We fight together and we either win together or die trying because if we don’t win then this world isn’t worth being a part of anyways. ❤️
@TheDoctorDonna Thank you for such kind words.
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There are places with great LGBTQ laws, there are places with terrible laws, there are places that kill LGBTQ people. A gay person in a progressive city is probably having a better time than a gay person in the middle east, who has to hide to avoid death. You also probably only notice the more vocal LGBTQ people, there’s probably plenty of people you’ve met that are and you don’t know. People like you ruin it for everyone. You’re not treated differently because you’re cishet, you’re treated differently because you are an asshole.
- A cishet guy
Not sure what the person you where commenting on said but I agree there is plenty of LGBTQIA+ people that suffer in silence or vocally, I am glad to be who I am and wish to continue being myself. I do not wish upon anyone death nor do I wish them harm. I wish that people would just support people for who they are and live in a more calm peaceful world, but sadly there is hatred and we have to defend our existence to be apart of this world compared to some people.
Republicans have no issue sacrificing people (especially kids in schools) for political gain.
Check out your local John Brown gun club
The woman in Indiana was killed in the gazebo of her own apartment complex by a neighbor. I don’t think it should be necessary to carry a gun when you’re in a place like that. We shouldn’t have to be armed every time we so much as step out of our front door. That is not a society I want to live in.
Me neither but here we are. Arm yourselves , the enemy is doing it.
Security services have been warning us of inhouse terrorism for years. This is what we are seeing now.
The US for one could just stop their war on drugs, which has been ravaging the world for decades, and only has like 1% efficacy, and use that money in programs to prevent this. But unfortunately we no longer live in times where reason rules.
Zero-sum ideologies have taken over. We live in societies where other people’s gain are seen as our loss. And then what we get are huge society splits which will eventually and inevitably be the end of that society as it was.
(they left) US have made some progress in the war on drugs at least.
While that’s probably a joke, it should be said that even this is actually thanks to Taliban?
Yea, the US helped the war on drugs by selling less heroin. Who was guarding and smuggling it out? Poppy fields inreacesd dramatically during the occupation and dropped after. The US is a mayor part of the dugtrade
While I agree with your stance on the war on drugs, I fail to the the relevance to this thread.
Just highlighting the difference between the government that protects its people and a government that throws a political circus. And at the same time, I showed where they could get the funding to do so, since lack of funding is made the excuse too often.
The political system is highly intertwined and it’s often just a matter of looking for the strings you’d like to connect. Sure I’m trying to paint a picture here since I don’t believe these people and others deserve to be targets of such pointless crime.
This framing is disgusting. Who writes a headline this terrible?
But why does it matter if the victims were cis people or not?
It highlights an extra layer of stupid.
There’s this delusion amongst transphobes that they can “always clock a tranny” and that they’re never wrong when they decide that someone is secretly trans because they have a more prominent Adam’s apple or something equally stupid. Of course the truth is that they’re wrong constantly and are just idiot bigots, which this illustrates rather poignantly unfortunately. They don’t really know who is or isn’t trans, they just want to pretend they know so they can feel vindicated by “recognizing” trans people, and they convince themselves that trans people can never truly blend in to society. Because if trans people really were capable of being indistinguishable from cis people, then that would mean that at some point they might have, gasp, treated a trans person like a human being and used the proper pronouns. The horror.
Of course trans people shouldn’t have to blend in, they shouldn’t have to pass to be treated as the gender they identify as, or with basic human decency.
It’s not just Trans people, it’s people who aren’t masculine or feminine enough. The bigots are fine with this.
It shows how someone’s irrational hatred of a specific group can also harm people not part of that group.
It shows people that it’s not just trans people at risk due to this violent rhetoric the right spews. Everyone is at risk of being targeted even if they are perceived as trans.
I’m a cis man, but I don’t have the deepest voice, and I’ve been worried about this kind of thing happening for a while since I live in the south, and it looks like I was right to worry.
It’s never about one group. It’s about all opposing the status quo . Fascist change targets based on what gives them power. Power over everyone.
It shows people that it’s not just trans people at risk due to this violent rhetoric the right spews. Everyone is at risk of being targeted even if they are perceived as trans.
The guy in Oregon was stabbed while defending his trans friend.
Yes I know, I read the article. I was referring to the first incident with the perception remark, but it still makes sense to include it in the headline with the second scenario for clarity’s sake
All the other responses have been good but I think it helps to show to slightly more “moderate” transphobia who wouldn’t kill transfolks themselves but don’t think anti-trans rhetoric is that bad by showing that they themselves are also in danger.
It promotes the culture war which serves to divide us so we fight with each other instead of addressing the real issue: extreme inequality.
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You’ve admitted to trolling. You can’t really get pissy that the mod is doing their job by removing your trolling comments. You don’t have any leg to stand on here.
Neh. My time isn’t inifinte.
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Ignorant and proud of it is not a way to go through life.
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Imagine being proud of deliberate ignorance like this.
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If you’re style of “deliberate trolling” is to appear to be an ignorant goon, then don’t be surprised when people treat you like an ignorant goon.
A person whose physical, biological sex matches the gender they identify as. It’s the opposite of trans.
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It basically means your mind agrees with what your body looks like/ is in your birth certificate. Basically not transgender.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is part of the reason hate crime exists. “Is it something I don’t yet know or understand? Quickly, get me my head-burying sand bucket!”
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It might be, or it might be not. Unfortunately you won’t know before googling/asking/etc. But hiding from stuff you don’t understand yet isn’t that good of a strategy in general.
It reads a lot like anti-intellectualism, and that never had a positive impact on societies.
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“I’m not anti-intellectual about every topic, only the ones I find iffy” is kinda exactly the point here. Everyone has first-priority topics of interest. The issue is being open to understanding other ones.
Edit: the mods deleted this person’s comments, and I disagree with that decision. If someone with a similar worldview stumbles upon such discussions and finds some point in other comments compelling enough to change their mind, that’s a positive result in my book. And removing the other point of view from the comments doesn’t allow people to find associations. The comments should have stayed.
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It literally took you like 20x longer to have this conversation than it would’ve taken to google the answer. If you worry about your time not being infinite you should manage it better.
Sorry for person killed by the psycho tho
The psychos were driven by the same ignorance you’ve made central to your personality.
This whole thread became hilarious. I literally stated I didn’t bother to look up a definition of some random word. Now I am being accused of hatred crimes and being shut up by mods lol oh well fuck you mods
Being flippant and dismissive of something that has literally gotten people killed tends to get people upset.
Now I am being accused of hatred crimes
Who’s doing that?
Cisgender refers to people whos gender aligns with their sex
It’s ok bud, you can look up the definition, it won’t turn you trans, I promise.
two unrelated murders, gotcha
You read an article about two people in separate incidents being killed over transphobic hatred and you don’t see a connection?
Wait, isn’t the relationship anti-trans sentiment? I only read the title.
i skimmed through the article, seemed like really poor journalism (worse than usual for huffpost).
the “relationship” - a stretch at best - is like claiming that shootings in Chicago and Baltimore are related because the perpetrators were both black - that happens all the time but no one ever tries to link the two, as they’re clearly two separate crimes that are basically unrelated. same thing here. just trash tier journalism
“In talks with investigators, Earl referred to the victim as “a male acting like a woman,” the affidavit said.”
“Rahnique U. Jackson, 24, is accused of killing Smith after the 32-year-old defended a transgender friend in the group, according to Smith’s sister.”
There’s your connection. Two people are dead due to hatred for trans people.
Are they unrelated in the sense that nothing else connects them victims and the perpetrators? Sure. But that’s just being pedantic.
Article: Here is the way these murders are related.
That guy: but what about all the ways they aren’t related?
No, it’s more like if two separate murders of Sikhs happened because people thought they were Muslim, and it showed rising Islamophobia. You know, that thing that actually happened in the US after 911, where Sikhs got murdered because ignorant people thought they were Muslim. This is two cis people murdered because the murders hated trans people.
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Is this just your simpleminded way of changing the subject or do you actually have a cogent idea to share?
That guy is a troll. They’ve arrived to the fediverse. It was a matter of time.
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You’re just trying to downplay the hate crimes of people you agree with.
not at all, but if you’d like to think that then go right ahead. positive thinking is right up there next to prayer in usefulness!
@tallwookie @stopthatgirl7 There’s proof in the article they are related.
Where’s your proof they aren’t?
the rag it’s published in, for one - huffpo only barely qualifies as journalism and often creates stories from whole cloth. did the murders happen? yes. is it awful and sad? yes again. are they related? not a chance
I’m so confused by the “woman who was killed for being transexual even though she wasn’t transexual” and how that’s related to a really obviously homophobic killing
This is fucking gash journalism
Your comment is lazy and lacks serious empathy. The lady was murdered with a razor blade to the throat because some fucking guy thought she was transgender. And the other guy was stabbed for standing up for his friend a transgender person.
It wasn’t a homophobic killing. The second death was because the man made comments about a trans woman and the man stepped in to defend her. Did you read it? They were both about transphobia.
Did you even read the article?
Clearly stated that the weirdo killed her as he thought she was trans and would do it again if he could.
My dog doesn’t understand why the mailman keeps showing up every day.
Doesn’t mean there’s not a reason the mailman shows up everyday, just that my dog isn’t smart enough to understand it.
Your comment is like saying “The guy paid $50,000 for an old IBM computer even though the computer wasn’t really an IBM - how is that related to people who like IBM computers?”