Howdy everyone, hope everyone had a good week. I have been playing XCOM2 again and Civ IV.

  • Blep [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Normal fighting games, feel like im hitting a wall where i need to fix like 5+ things about my gameplay before im a meaningful challenge to the good players at the local. Im confident I can beat like half the people who show up, but the good players feel like theyre just playing a different game. I’ll probably work on hit confirms next.

    Cancelling my ff14 sub while school is on

    Playing child of light. This game is a turn based rpg with the twist if having turns being time based. Interesting concept, serviceable story, it’s just has weird limitations. Only 2 party members are out at a time and theres no way to pre configure which 2 start and in what order, meaning swapping ppl in and buffing turn 1 can be awkward. It also makes aoe buffs worthless since usually ill want to switch the buffer out once the buff is in play. Too many enemies are resistant to physical damage for how many of my characters have no offensive magic whatsoever. The gem system is kind of annoying with how often i have to swap them out to keep elemental type advantages so damage on my physical attackers doesnt crater.

    Probably worth finishing, probably wont replay. 6/10