America’s favourite pastime is committing war crimes and invading other countries.
And dismantling public transit!
And overthrowing publicly elected governments. We even brought it home with us. USA USA USA!!!
England here, we invented this shit, sit down
You English win this game. Easily 🤣
Don’t knock it until you try it.
The generational trauma and setting back of human progress by decades just adds a delicate spice to geopolitics that America absolutely adores.
Well, contrary to popular belief, all those orphans everyone loves so much don’t create themselves!
That depends, is the trolley sitting over massive oil reserves?
If so, yes, the ground underneath that train looks like it needs some freedumb so we can
pillage the resources exclusively to benefit Western Oligarchs“benefit the region with mutually beneficial free trade agreements.” 🔥🚃😵😵😵🔥 🔫🇺🇸🤑💰Fun little math fact: trolleys are commutative, so if you explode a second trolley, you’ve double-protected American interests.
Max american interests is reached at TROLLEY = 0
Yea, but if we don’t keep destroying other countries, they might get ahead of us!
I believe that ship has sailed. Unless of course you’re taking about school shootings, maternal mortality rates, etc etc
I drone strike the drone.
I trolley strike the drone.
My interceptor drone intercepts your interceptor drone.
I’m going to piss on the drone.
Ironically you might simultaneously piss off the drone.
It’s not the drone that scares me. It’s the US airbase backing it up.
protectfurtherThe wages paid to the workers making the missile will pay for a little girls ballet lessons. Won’t anybody think of the children!
“Oil? Under that trolley? I can pillage golden resources from a land that doesn’t belong to me, get away with it and even be praised for killing innocents in the name of profit and destroy public transit? STRIKE IT CRAIG”
Bayraktar bayraktar 🎵🎶
Can I do it just because it’s fun and not to protect anyone’s interests?
Rich people: peace time not getting me money is a problem…
I always said rich people should not exist. We should help them by redistributing all their wealth.
Yo fuck that trolley
Americabad amirite
Can’t wait until the CCP and their authoritarian allies have more power instead
yes americabad
russiaworse and chinaworse tho
There are 2 serial killers. Serial killer A kills people. Serial Killer B rapes, then kills, then eats people.
Serial Killer B existing doesn’t make Serial Killer A good by comparison. They are both worthy of scorn to slightly different degrees.
Just because your mother plops you out in a place doesnt obligate you to blindly worship that place from cradle to grave.
The Chinese, US, and Russian governments are bad for some of the same and for some different reasons. There are many developed nations that, unlike them, prioritize the well-being of their people and the future of their society over the economic interests their respective elites, so there’s no excuse for any nation not to.
Yes, I’m not arguing that the US is good, I’m saying I prefer it to having the authoritarians take over.
You have authoritarians. They aren’t our middle manager politicians either. The people lost control of government half a century ago to “turn the bull loose.”
If one of our oligarchs wants to build where your house is, you’re going away.
A corporation can kill 20 people through profit driven intentional negligence and get a shrug of a fine at most. If you damage their expensive property or get in the way of their oil pipelines, you go away.
If you make a better product and refuse to sell for an insulting pittance, they will use their floors of legal teams to bleed you dry, warp patent laws to fit their narrative, and effectively end you.
Our authoritarians control us through the government they’ve captured by fully legalizing and institutionalizing political bribery. On economic policy, your vote doesn’t matter. Vote red, blue, if another color gains traction they’ll buy that color too.
You just like our authoritarians better because they have marketing and PR teams, and inflict their rule by proxy of their middle managers in state and federal government. After slavery and jim crow, our owner class figured out it’s easier to quietly rule by pulling strings and using the mass media they own to keep us divided over petty social issue crap, most of which is exacerbated by our rigged by design economy. We can’t fight them if we’re too busy fighting each other, as we’re encouraged to do 24/7. “abortion unbanned… Abortion rebanned… Civil right x granted… Civil right x revoked… Stay angry… Don’t look up while we exploit your life for private profit!”
deleted by creator
The US is the most authoritarian government in the world. How many countries have the Americans invaded in your lifetime?
Do you even know what authoritarian means?
I do. For example America invaded Iraq, Afganistan and bombed Syria, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan and more countries. This is just in the last 20 years.
Is there anything more authoritarian than invading a country and killing the people who live there?
The question is whether you know what authoritarian is.
Feel free to educate yourself authoritarianism
you should do that.
you are telling me that a society that invades other countries is not authoritarian?
Do you not have an issue with the way America uses drone strikes or do you see a secret panel that I don’t see that excused other atrocities?
I just think drone strikes with sword bombs are cool as fuck, and I’m tired of pretending that they’re not
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yes, america is evil
War is bad. I am fine giving war crap to Ukraine, it feels like it won’t drag on for twenty years like our most recent excursions nor will we have american boots on the ground