Picture: great.
Title: I hate it.Great job
This opinion brings great dishonor to your hole.
I can only claim credit for the title.
Thanks, I hate it too.
There’s something terribly wrong with you, OP and i pray to all the gods you never ever fix it
Aww, that’s one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me ☺️
Stay freaky bean pie, the world needs more of your ilk
Strider at the Prancing Pony. Bilbo, his guests unexpected. Bilbo, when the thrush knocks! His arm’s raised! Legolas and Gimli; the caves glittering.
Careful galron, seeking glory is how Martok lost his eye
Is that the well from The Ring?
No clue. I didn’t make the meme, nor have I seen The Ring.
“Pet’aQ of a Took!”
(What a mouthful)
Why thank you! That’s very kind of…
Wait a minute.
The staff folds into a bat’leth. Not that he needs it with those terrifying eyes.
ahahahaha this is terrifying
Your hole carries the fate of us all, little one.
Gowron the grey!
I like this crossover.
“There was no glory in that hole…”