It is a collaborative notes taking app that takes pride in supporting Nazis

  • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    The presence of a “getting your message put on bombs to blow apart the ‘enemy savages’” industry, helping over open-internet social media to crowd-fund a live-streamed proxy war is something that would have been eyeroll-worthy as too ham-fisted and over-the-top of a metaphor for the inhuman ethos of neo-liberal capitalism if put in a dystopia novel 15 years ago.

    Truly soulless and totally morally bankrupt, cannibalistic societies the western bourgeoisie have ushered in and preside over. Anyone and everyone who has engaged in something like this is beyond consideration and sympathy. It takes unfathomable depravity to participate in something like this. That large swathes of the western population don’t see this and immediately think “uh, what the fuck” at its very existence is a worse condemnation than anything their harshest critics could derive.