Strange- the very tone of this thread is suggesting that the HA developers choice in how they distribute their platform is “incorrect” by your assertions. Further you seem to disagree with explanations provided as to why those choices were likely made.
Dismissing those statements and observations do not make them incorrect. Nothing I stated is dramatic: it is an observation and a comment on an increasing trend popping up around several projects. This particular topic and your responses within it align with that trend. My closing statement was directed at that. You are welcome to not like it but resorting to insults is a bit childish.
Nobody has said that here.
I’ve no idea what community you’re referring to. Nobody here has demanded that any developers cater to their distribution’s needs.
Again, I’ve no idea what community you’re referring to. Nobody has come here looking for a personal army.
Your characterisation of the commentary on this post seems like that of an overly. dramatic. teenager.
Strange- the very tone of this thread is suggesting that the HA developers choice in how they distribute their platform is “incorrect” by your assertions. Further you seem to disagree with explanations provided as to why those choices were likely made.
Dismissing those statements and observations do not make them incorrect. Nothing I stated is dramatic: it is an observation and a comment on an increasing trend popping up around several projects. This particular topic and your responses within it align with that trend. My closing statement was directed at that. You are welcome to not like it but resorting to insults is a bit childish.
Not incorrect, just poor engineering. Anti-social ultimately.
I can see only two disagreements and only one of those is about the reasons for creating an OS rather than distro packages.
Yes, my dismissing of them is not what makes them incorrect.
LOL “this evil developer is doing a sinister thing”