These assassination attempts are just a fact of life, we just need to get used to it since it’s obviously outside our control.
It’s too soon to talk about assassination attempt control.
ikr? How dare they!
the problem is the secret service is a socialist organization funded by theft (taxation.) in a truly capitalist society the free market would protect the president.
The invisible hand would pull the gun away from the assassin!
I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in…
And Trump rally goers are all wonderful people, right? So just give them all AR-15s. With so many “good guys with guns” nothing bad can ever happen, can it?
I really do think a trump rally with free beer and everyone having a loaded automatic weapon would be good for America.
If only someone could break through to Trump and explain to him how good the ratings would be were such a rally televised, it just might work.
Trump should start having his rallies at schools.
But most importantly, they need to stop taking away guns. We need good guys with guns to stop bad guys with guns. If you make the guns illegal at his rallies, then, by definition, only criminals at his rallies have guns.
His rallygoers will not feel truly safe until they’re surrounded by guys with no military training, but dressed in full tactical gear carrying locked and loaded semiautomatic rifles.
They are only “semi” on the papers. The all have cheap mods to turn them “fully” because the “Guvment” can’t tell them what to do with their gun.
So untrained cosplayers waving around mechanically compromised loaded firearms.
Does he ban guns at those? I would guess so. Didn’t the NRA ban guns at their conventions?
Require all conservative white men at his rallies to open carry so they can prevent violence from…
…other conservative white men…
I have a better idea. Replace the Secret Service with Meal Team Six volunteers. There are plenty of hard-right MAGA types that love to dress up and play with their assault rifles. Give them a chance to live out their fantasies with the veryy real condition that they will be held very tightly to the letter of the law.
I can’t see any problems with that. They certainly wouldn’t murder the cleaning staff at Mar-a-Lago for being Latino.
Was literally my first thought. hamburger men with guns given authority to haress people. hmm wonder who else has guards like? O yeah the dictator Trump claims to respect.
The daily show put it best: Maybe Trump should put a WALL around his golf course if he wants to be safe.
The only problem is that both shooters were outside the venue and wouldn’t have seen the signs /s
Only a good assassin with a gun can stop a bad assassin with a gun.
He gets a state issue bible and cross same as our schoolchildren get
Maybe if the country was as anti gun as Trump rallies are, this wouldn’t be an issue
Just give Trump a gun, then he’s invulnerable.
Just give Trump a gun. That’s how they repubs think about it, right?
I don’t think we need to change anything when all we get are these Storm Trooper assassins with no aim. 🙄