Lemmygrad: claims to be anti-imperialist Also Lemmygrad: supports Russian invasion of Ukraine
Tankies really do love imperialism. You’ll find they’re hypocrites of absolutely every view they hate.
They are just totally irrational honestly. There is no logic to it and it seems to generally be a love for China and Russia and a hate for the west.
My guess is that it is the bleed over from years of propaganda. Think about it, in the USSR schools students were fed a lot of propaganda just like in the US.
Ah, infighting and communists go together like bread and butter.
Reminds me of a bit from Disco Elysium, where you after you call yourself a communist, you’re called a liberal by a different communist for not being communist enough.
Real answer, though. Lemmygrad hates trans because they think being trans makes you a part of the bourgeoisie; see Nutomic’s rant here. And Hexbear is filled with trans. So those from Lemmygrad usually dog whistle (in this example, it’s exclusively showing support to transphobic youtubers) about how much they hate trans, and Hexbear reluctantly goes along with it like an abused spouse because they can’t leave Lemmy now.
Means more entertainment for us! continue on, tankies, maybe after you’re done arguing about youtubers you can truly revolutionise the world!
In communist Russia, you don’t get bread and butter
Please don’t reply to me again
If I have to think about my cognitive dissonance one more time I might have to critique my belief system and then hexbear will disown me
It’s how people with pronoun-tags tend to deal with arguments.
What are people with pronoun tags? we talking about “Oh it wants my pronouns? Sure, I don’t mind.”
Or people who obsess over identity?
ButtBidet [he/him]@hexbear.net has an [x/y] pronoun tag, signaling how important they consider their pronouns, and explicitly instructs any user referring to them to use those specific pronouns.
Obsession is sometimes the right word, but I see it more as unnecessary messiness either for their own validation or to signal allyship.
I don’t think we need an internet culture that puts enough value on pronouns to call them out so clearly above all other things. I think getting the pronouns wrong should be fine, just like any other thing we get wrong.
Besides, we already had much briefer language for this. They chose “ButtBidet [he/him]” over “MrButtBidet”, the reason is strange. Like their name.
Hexbear forces you to use pronouns when you make an account.
but yeah, people who obsess over pronouns need to go outside or get some self-esteem. I’ve been misgendered tons on this site, and I never bother correcting them because I do not care.
One of the old rules: “there are no girls on the internet”. Probably due to be reworded but the point is not that women don’t exist, it’s that your gender is actually irrelevant in most discussions.
Some people definitely use it in the “there are literally basically no women here, so you’re lying” way, even when the % of women gets over 10, 20% or more.
I feel like the only places where the saying/attitude loses influence is when the distribution gets closer to equal.
But yeah, yours is the ideal interpretation. We’re practically anonymous to most users, you can use it to be treated like an equal. You can talk to anyone just the same as anyone else – even the most bigoted won’t know, so you have their ear just the same as anyone else would.
The obligatory part of it changes things, I didn’t know that.
But yeah, I’d say in general a more anonymous internet/forum was in some ways better. Things become a little different when people already know someone’s more personal details like gender, and stuff like country, profession, etc.
Gender is really only important if you plan on using identity politics to win an argument, anyway.
I also don’t get upset when people can’t guess my favorite color or shoe brand.
No, it really isn’t. It’s just a smug douchebag, regardless of tags.
It’s funny to see this people believing the’re the most educated and eloquent people on the planet, while they’re basically Proud Boys playing as leftys.
You don’t understand. The USSR did more to stop climate change than any other country in history.
- Tankie, probably
Lol I can’t with these kids.
This is what they post if you ask too much about Tiananmen Square.
It cracks me up. It’ll cherry pick a quote like “I saw no slaying in Tiananmen Square” from a western journalist but neglect the whole quote which talks of how the government wouldn’t let them in the square to see it but they saw the killings throughout the rest of the city and knew of them across the country side too.
You’re even allowed to say anything about it? I figured they’d just block and ban for merely mentioning it.
Yeah I genuinely don’t understand what they think the point is. Congratulations, the massacre happened in side streets and at home, just like they do it in America and Europe after the riot pigs tear gas the main crowd.
Tankie is that you?
Tankie is when acknowledging Tianamen and saying all states are violently corrupt
I wished that all these fucking cunts would move their asses to Russia and get turned to goop.
or vietnam or cuba, both actual fully communist states that will be very happy to accept some western comrades.
Seriously if I was an actual communist, I’d migrate to these countries immediately and start helping out the cause, both are very lovely places.
Vietnam is too capitalist (seriously - despite their official ideological alignment, they’re one of the most pro-free-market countries in the world) and too anti-China, while in Cuba they would have to actually deal with the fact that rampant government mismanagement by their unchecked anti-democratic ideology has created an economic crisis. And God forbid they experience hardship.
It would actually be a great economic learning experience for MLs to visit VN. Tons of cottage industry and relatively free trade, very little regulation on construction and rental so things are generally inexpensive. I got the impression that despite still being nominally Communist and very definitely a single party state with issues around free expression, the government doesn’t mess with things that are working following market liberalization.
Well the Tankies love China so maybe Vietnam is the proper home
I love watching those smug clowns rattle off on one another with their pseudo intellectual bullshit. They all have to know they are talking out of their asses, but they pretend that no one else notices it but just them….
I can not wrap my head around there belief system. I guess it just involves putting your head in the sand
Their belief system is very simple
US bad
Does something hate the US?
Then they’re good!
Hamas? Which will slaughter these rich, gay, college kids? They’re good.
Russia? Which imprisons gays and is extremely corrupt? Sounds good to me.
China? Which again, hates gays and is very racist? They’re the good guys!