I know historical hindsight is 20/20, but how did no one bully this guy into giving up his moronic “de-stalinisation” policy? Like the SU was built by Stalin and now suddenly hes satan incarnate? No wonder SU citizens lost faith in the party over time, how can you trust a bunch of weather vanes?

  • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    the fact that kruschev came to power shows us that the party was completely degraded. It is clear that the party absolutely and completely failed to raise a new generation of quality communists, in no small part to ww2 killing 27 million soviets, but honestly im not willing to give them slack, if they had put significant resources into elevating women into future leaders they would have definitly been able to put quality communists in charge.

      • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        I agree thats why, but i still think you should maybe be keeping your strongest communists from dying, theres a reason princes did not often lead their armies into battle, the princes of the soviet union were the smart young cadres. I suppose they felt it necessary in the face of existiential danger of their country, and i empathise with that feeling, but i think keeping 1000 cadres away from the war to study as hard as possible so they could lead the restoration wouldnt have changed the outcome of the war probably