This was the one soup-throwing which did any damage at all; in this case to the frame.
The penalty is appreciably worse than for minor violent attacks.
This was the one soup-throwing which did any damage at all; in this case to the frame.
The penalty is appreciably worse than for minor violent attacks.
They don’t do it to become popular. They want to throw a wrench in the works to wake people up.
Ok, what’s “the works” here then? The museum? Civil society? Art?
In this case just everydays course of affairs. Generally, the disruption of the machine.
Who needs to be woken up? Who hasn’t heard of climate change or Big Oil? Is defacing a public artifact going to sway Conservatives or Centrists?
Because at 86% of people saying that these acts either don’t change their views on climate activism or that they negatively affect them, this seems like it’s just “putting people to sleep.”