The 8 ounce and 12 ounce children’s Cupkin double-walled stainless steel cups were the subject of a July 20 recall, the company said. “After recently receiving feedback from consumer advocates and additional follow-up testing, we discovered that the double walled vacuum 8oz and 12oz cups may pose an unacceptable exposure to lead if the cup bottoms are mistreated,” the company said in the release. The cups, which are primarily sold on Amazon, have since been removed from the site. “We are going to be as transparent and proactive as possible to resolve this ASAP,” the company said in the release. “ Cups may have been purchased in 12 different color combinations, including blue and green, pink and purple, blue and gray, peach and teal, black and white, coral and yellow, green and pink, polignac and potpourri, brown and peach, rust and salmon, aqua and periwinkle and cobalt and mint, according to the CPSC. Lead poisoning and long-term exposure can cause damage to a child’s brain and nervous system leading to learning, behavioral and speech problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    2 years ago

    I hate the world we are living in. Nearly every single kitchen tool is rebranded Chinese garbage and I feel like it’s not safe.

    I just want a damn rubber spatula set, measuring cups, and measuring spoons, and my only options are the same product with 30 different word vomit Chinese branding on them.

    Why is it impossible to find quality stuff these days? My parents have kitchen tools from 1703 and that shit is indestructible, but I try to stir a pot of water and my tools all snap, crackle, and pop.