I’m in a small-ish org. There are about 60 members total, but only 10 are actually active in any way. There are another 15-20 or so who are semi-regulars, or who will sometimes attend meetings, or sometimes attend demonstrations or actions etc with us.

It’s gotten really bad over the past few years as people have sort of started fading away. People are flaky, and it routinely takes several weeks to get an answer or an update from some members for even trivial things.

Several of us have tried doing social activities of all kinds, but they always end up the same.

This gets really embarrassing when we try to do things with other groups and can’t muster the numbers to be effective.

We’ve tried to do outreach to members to see what’s going on, and we just get the same explanation - I’m busy.

Has anyone here faced something similar? Any tips to get us out of this rut?

  • TheLastHero [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I also wrote a fed hunting post for someone who asked for tips on the subreddit a while ago. Despite the best effort of our favorite Atlantic council alumni on reddit-logo, I saved it. It’s only based on my own personal experience and is years old but it might be useful if anyone has suspicions and want to start asking questions.

    How to Spot an Undercover Fed

    What kind of ties to they have to the community? Do they own a house, rent, stay with someone else? A fed in my org lived with another member as a roommate so he could just easily split once his (successful) op was done. Long standing ties to the community are something difficult for a fed to have, have they been living here a long time or just moved? (from Northern Virginia presumably) Other friends in town, family? Do they have a life outside your org or does this seem like all they do?

    What’s their job, or what do they say it is? Do they ever talk about this job, what are they doing all day when they aren’t here? Maybe even consider quietly checking if they indeed actually work there somehow. I do not think that is unwarranted when organizing in the American Empire. If they are a fed, they might have set them up with a ‘fake job’ but more likely that infiltrating your org is all they do for money. Don’t take things too far and get arrested for stalking or something though, or if you do- don’t get caught and blame me.

    Speaking of money, how much do they have? Are they being particularly generous to the org? Our fed donated thousands of dollars to appear as a loyal and ardent member, but of course that was all fed money. Ironically communist orgs get blinded by big donations because they’re usually so strapped for cash. Donations are great but they are not a quality for leadership in any way.

    Is this person in a leadership position? Feds often are, since it detracts from suspicion and gives them authority. How knowledgeable is this person, does it sound like they were literally taking classes on Marxism? (at an FBI training facility for instance) The fed in my org was probably the most knowledgeable person on leftist history and theory and shit. I could pull insanely online history arguments out of my ass and they would know about them.

    Dig into their past a little. Usually people aren’t radio silent anymore on the internet, but if they have a fake name you probably won’t find anything. Ask if you can add them on instagram or something, a fed might not have one to give you. That is a little suspicious, especially for young folks.

    Trust your gut feeling. My fed had a little fucking notebook they were always writing in which seemed suspicious as hell to me but I never said shit because I was a newer guy. Also it doesn’t matter that they are transgender or gay or whatever, the FBI has plenty of ‘progressive’ agents in their ranks or can just as easily give someone an alternative persona for the mission. Counterintelligence must treat everyone equally. For the meantime try to sideline this person from decision making until you can confirm or disprove your suspicions. Maybe talk to some others who can be secretive, you don’t want to alert the weasel. Then you can work together to expel them from the org.

    That should give you enough to start investigating. I do not think you can be too paranoid about infiltration in the United States. It’s one of the FBI’s most effective and most employed way of taking down political organizations. They killed both the Communist Party USA and a bunch of radical Klans with infiltrators back in 60s, which were both pretty resilient orgs. And we all know what they did to the Black Panthers and other civil rights orgs. Your humble org will not stand a chance if you catch the feds’ attention and you do not have good opsec and counterintelligence practices.