Had this funny thought of mind had to share 🤣
Edit: Here is my thought process the partner would be the scientists who keeps releasing statistics/ safe word that we’re heading to doom. The other partner would be the us who consume this statistics and suppose to interpretate this appropriately to slow down/stop. But instead to continue ahead with what we’re doing anyway. Both parties know that there is something bad but none of the parties can’t stop it. Hopefully that made sense.
Is it though? Because I never consented to any of it.
It’s more like one partner knows the word and has been repeatedly screaming it for the past 60+ years but the other partner refuses to stop because they care more about their short term gratification than any consequences of their actions.
Chopping wood is like when I lock my phone and forget the password so it just gets worse? Just because you use a simile doesn’t mean it makes any sense.
Aaand you killed the mood
Here is my thought process the partner would be the scientists who keeps releasing statistics/ safe word that we’re heading to doom. The other partner would be the us who consume this statistics and suppose to interpretate this appropriately to slow down/stop. But instead to continuing ahead with what we’re doing anyway. Both parties know that there is something bad but none of the parties can’t stop it. Hopefully that made sense.
TF it’s nothing like that. How did you even come up with this?
Probably by having bdsm sex
I’d take a wild guess and say in the shower
No, because eventually one of you would withdraw consent and end it. We cannot withdraw our consent. Its more synonymous with rape since only one party is really getting anything out of it and the other is harmed.
But with bdsm sex you’re both into it usually…
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“You like that you BARNACLE encrusted slut!”
“I, uh… yes daddy. Can I have a PINEAPPLE up my ass?!”
“I could give you the PINEAPPLE, but your… BARNACLES might crack…”
“Um… what do my BARNACLES have to do with it? I just want a PINEAPPLE.”
“I mean, I can go out to the store right now and get a PINEAPPLE, but a BARNACLE might be tastier…”
“My BARNACLES can take it! I just really need a PINEAPPLE right now”
The confused couple prepares the latex and the leash/collar to go down to the Asian market to pick up some BARNACLEs and PINEAPPLEs, still wondering why the other isn’t stopping.
Man, the later seasons of SpongeBob got weird
Whoops corrected it thanks