☑Make a list.
Nice Unicode brah
Don’t think I’ve seen that character before
Oh it’s U+2611 : BALLOT BOX WITH CHECK? Perhaps just without one trailing emoji selector…
All hail the Goblin Lord
☑️ check it twice.
It is Wednesday my dudes
Dang been so long since I heard that line
Actually me irl
I make a list every week to do them on my days off, but by the time that day comes, there’s nothing left in me. I hate being min wage working class. Why can’t more jobs be salaried and I can just get my shit done and go home, or better yet, work from home. Fuck this life, fuck working your whole life, and fuck the system.
Hey friend. It’s tough out there, i agree. Try putting smaller goals in your list:
Got out of bed ✓
Daily hygienic needs ✓
Had a meal ✓
Hydrated ✓
EtcAnother silly trick i like is to have a working list, not a list with deadlines.
So I’ll just have everything on my list and know that it’s not all due.
Final trick is to not just have complete/incomplete. That’s a lot of pressure!
Go for progress, instead. + for progress!Mountain of dishes +
General messyness +
Put air in Jeep tire ✓
Call HVAC companyDon’t forget to take breaks and do something you enjoy to recharge! Even if it’s just laying in bed reading.
Also, it’s okay to rot sometimes—you deserve rest. That’s pretty much all i did last weekend was take it easy and chill, even though i planned to get shit done. I keep putting some of the shit i have to do off and you know what? It’s okay. The world is not going to end because my house is messy and i have dishes in the sink.Best wishes,
That’s a mood. I came to the conclusion that to do a lot of the big and difficult tasks I’ve been needing to, I need to start by putting some tasks on my to-do list that were just for me, because whenever I did have free time, I’d piss it away and not even feel rested; I needed to carve out some active self-enrichment time. Unfortunately, burnout and concrete time limitations make that pretty hard to do, so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
I saw your comment and desperately wished I could give some advice that could help, but how much is reasonable to expect a person to be able to do to resist a fucked up system when simply surviving is A Lot? Surviving is resistance though, especially when the system doesn’t like people who understand how fucked the system is. So in lieu of advice that would rely on metaphorical bootstraps we don’t have: Solidarity, friend. I’m sorry that you’re going through this and I’m sorry that I understand.
This is me. Past-me is overly ambitious and constantly harasses me with reminders of all the things I should be doing. I’m frequently annoyed by that guy.
I’ve often regretted putting too many todos on my list, and never regretted putting too few.
I refuse to glean any learnings from this observation.
Okay, but why does he look like a skinny purplecliff?
deleted by creator
Arin Hanson? Is that you Egoraptor?
It would be way funnier if he wrote saturday or tuesday.