For the record, the study they’re likely citing was the one that tested less than 15 kids, 3 or more of which did NOT have autism, and the then-doctor permanently crippled one of them in the process of testing for the digestive-neural autism link
(The entire study exists because he wanted to discredit a vaccine to sell his own)
Also remember that correlation isn’t causation. Trust me, every autistic person in the West has heard all about how we just need to adjust our gut biome and suddenly we won’t be autistic, or we just need to go vegan, or any of a thousand other wonder cures. These cures have been touted since the 1900s, and the people they “work” on are generally agreed to just have learnt to mask better because almost every “treatment”, no matter how benign, is horrible to deal with.
For the record, the study they’re likely citing was the one that tested less than 15 kids, 3 or more of which did NOT have autism, and the then-doctor permanently crippled one of them in the process of testing for the digestive-neural autism link
(The entire study exists because he wanted to discredit a vaccine to sell his own)
Ah, following in Wakefield’s steps. Good to see the grifters and charlatans don’t change, but it is sad that people keep falling for it.
They’re likely citing Wakefield, he’s been having a resurgence in US media
There have been 5 studies that all seem to show a positive link.
But way way more reseach is needed.
Gut disorders are correlated with autism
Autism is not correlated with gut disorder
That is both the research and the current scientific consensus
Also remember that correlation isn’t causation. Trust me, every autistic person in the West has heard all about how we just need to adjust our gut biome and suddenly we won’t be autistic, or we just need to go vegan, or any of a thousand other wonder cures. These cures have been touted since the 1900s, and the people they “work” on are generally agreed to just have learnt to mask better because almost every “treatment”, no matter how benign, is horrible to deal with.
The research shows a decrease in symptoms after the procedure and nothing more or less.
It doesn’t say anything about gut disorder.
Positive link? Does that mean more autism symptoms?