• Dorkyd68@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Living by yourself in rural areas is wonderful. However every now and then you’ll hear a noise at 2am and not sleep right for a week. Only downside really

    • unknown1234_5@kbin.earth
      3 months ago

      one time me (hs freshman at the time) and my friend (8th grade at the time) went into the forest next to my field and explored it a little. we found a couple old bulldozers, some Ferrari rims, and a semi trailer with what looked like a kid’s tea party setup from a movie, stuffed animals and all. just past the semi trailer, we found a run down shack full of garbage and smashed furniture. also, the older looking of the two bulldozers was right outside it. we stood there talking for a bit and right as I went to peek into the shack we heard a bell start ringing in the distance. we promptly went right the fuck back to my house (this bell sounded like someone was hitting it repeatedly, sounded like it was coming from a direction we hadn’t gone in). on the way back, my friend grabbed an old yoo-hoo bottle by the fenceline and brought it back to my house. that night I heard something scratching my wall, and it sounded like it was coming from inside. there were no animals in my room. it scared the shit out of me, and after a bit I promised to return the bottle to the forest and not go back into it. the scratching stopped immediately. I checked the next day, and though there was a very large tree near my room, it was too far for any of its limbs to reach. I returned the bottle to roughly where we found it and have not gone back into the forest. I never heard that scratching again.