Get fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked

“This isn’t going to stop,” Allen told the New York Times. “Art is dead, dude. It’s over. A.I. won. Humans lost.”

“But I still want to get paid for it.”

  • yoink [she/her]
    6 months ago

    exist in part to belittle actual artists for the sake of boosting the treat printers (or the treat printer prompters) to artist status

    that’s what’s so insane to me. for the longest time, STEM folk were all about ‘artists aren’t worth respecting’ ‘oh arts degree? just put the fries in the bag lmao’

    then suddenly AI art comes about and then it’s ‘look at my art! AI makes better art than anyone and it’s imperative we dump everything into it! you must respect my AI art! you must treat me like an artiste’

    and now that it’s clear it’s a grift, it’s ‘art is dead, we will never beat AI, artists are back to not worth respecting’

    once again, tourists visiting every creative medium they can to try and find fresh rubes for their machine