For me the easiest tell is the up front, unprompted, and unsolicited declaration of nonpoliticalness. When someone takes the time and expends the breath to announce how nonpolitical they are, what follows is almost always a rant about how everything/everyone else is too political these days, and that of course leads into something between status quo advocacy and outright reactionary/regressive sentiments for some fabled time before those wicked politics were visible to the nonpolitical ranter.
People that are hostile to service workers. Some just want to take some ideological stand against tipping when the service worker doesn’t really have a choice and needs those tips to survive in the current unjust system in a way where ideological purity gestures toward that service worker just look like being a greedy and sanctimonious asshole. The worst of such people will actually declare, shamelessly, that they believe that service workers don’t deserve a living wage. The implications of that are worthy.
I may get shit for this, but I’ll say it anyway: this hair and beard combo, seen on living people. I have yet to meet anyone in person with that look that wasn’t a chud.
(If one of you is a comrade with that look, I am sorry in advance for the prejudice and if I ever meet you in person I will atone by buying you a drink or something.)
Honestly most of the time I see a variety of ball cap on a white dude it feels like a tell. Not necessarily always a chud but I feel the ratio is in that direction. I would be curious if there is actually data on this or just a prejudice of mine.
Intense fearful gaze is another one, which is why they also love to wear sunglasses everywhere. The funniest thing chuds do is take selfies of themselves scowling with sunglasses on in their pickup truck.
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Cries in balding and wears a hat daily.
I got a beautiful head of hair but I’ll still throw on a ball cap if the UV index is high. I’ll give him the sunglasses thing but if you take the hats too then my eyes are gonna melt in the sun.
I am already pasty white bald. But my shine is respected.
another tell: driving a trucks, especially a big WW2 tank size lifted piece of shit Ford F150, etc.
CLEAN trucks are indicative of this. A dirty truck belongs to someone who works with it.
you ever been to a major coastal city?
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