Looks like Roblaw’s at it again… robbing the working class to keep obscene profits rolling to the Parasite Class. And I bet the farmer who raised those turkeys get only a few dollars per.
Looks like Roblaw’s at it again… robbing the working class to keep obscene profits rolling to the Parasite Class. And I bet the farmer who raised those turkeys get only a few dollars per.
Oh nooo, now paying someone to take an animal’s life is expensive. Oh, the horror!
I think even if you don’t eat meat there’s reason to be mad. Cause they killed a bunch of animals, and put it at prices where people can’t afford to buy and thus might have even more waste. So a triple whammy of corporate greed, excessive animal farming, and food waste!
On the plus side maybe people will be forced to buy more ethically farmed turkeys this year, or reduce meat intake all together, cause its looking like these are more expensive then any locally grown Turkeys I’ve seen.
For additional context on my take: I do eat meat, despite being morally against factory farming. So, I try to reduce my intake of unethically farmed food and try to use as much of the animal as possible.
People will see the high price, decide not to get a turkey, and make roast potatoes or something instead. Hopefully something vegan, like roast potatoes.
I like it better when the dead animal rots on the shelves. Because it means that the company that killed an animal made a financial loss, and next quarter they might decide to reduce their stock, since people aren’t buying. If people buy the dead animal, then the animal killers make money and they keep killing animals. If it becomes more profitable to kill half the turkeys and sell at double the price, then I’m glad. That’s half as many dead turkeys. That’s a good thing. I hope the economy is going that way. And I hope people realise due to this economic trend that they don’t actually need to eat meat every day.
I don’t see a triple whammy, it’s a nothing burger to me.
So personally I don’t see any reason for me to be mad, though I empathize that folks who care about having turkey have their reasons.
So you would rather they slaughter an excessive amount of animals that will then be entirely discarded, then to actually go to people to eat?
No, I would prefer to see markets selling those at a loss so they don’t make a profit and food isn’t wasted. ~And hopefully that loss motivates them to plan for less consumption on the next year and/or reducing the amount they’re willing to pay, decreasing the profitability of the meat production industry.~
But as I said before, there’s no evidence yet that the food waste is increasing due to price increases. This is just speculation from people who wouldn’t buy the thing because they fail to imagine that there are people who would.
Yes. I would rather the animals’ deaths be entirely pointless and bring zero revenue to the animal killers.
“Killing animals is wrong! Unless you’re pointlessly killing them so someone doesn’t profit from it!”
Dude are you alright, cause wow, what a fucked up and incredibly disgusting view.
No, killing is still wrong when it’s pointless. You need to pay attention and take this discussion seriously. Killing that doesn’t benefit murderers is better than killing that benefits murderers, because murder shouldn’t be profitable.
It has expanded Tofurky too. the small tofu ball is now $27…Personally I would have skipped it and made something else, but my wife felt Thankagiving is not thanksgiving without Tofurki LOL
Oh the horror everyone became vegetarian and the prices rose, and the quality became shite.