I’ve found the same with butter over the past few years. I hope this gets backed up by other sources, but if true, it sounds like high time for better regulation of this industry - if they can’t make profit from selling a pound of butter for $5 (which most seem to be priced higher than that now), then something is disastrously wrong.
Ugh, I try not to use anything with palm oil as an ingredient because of the deforestation - but now I learn they’re feeding it to cows? I thought butter was fine. Damn.
I’ve found Canadian butter to be fine for cooking/baking most things, but to eat on its own (like on toast), it’s awful. I’ll happily buy a carton of heavy cream and just throw it in my blender to churn; tastes way better.
Butter requires atrocity to produce on a commercial scale and exploitation of an intelligent creature’s reproduction and body to produce on any scale.
The experiences of animals are real and matter. Their suffering is identical in nature to your own. It harms us when we take pleasure in cruelty and violence.