“It’s not like the government is forcing you to buy a car!”
If you live in a city with parking minimums, yes they fucking are.
I agree that parking minimums are criminal, but get this AI generated slop off my feed
It’s not even good genAI, looks like some dollar tree model made it LMAO
Why is this AI slop if it illustrates the point being made here?
It gets the point across, doesn’t it?
Stacked rectangles get the point across. You ever seen geometry homework?
Aye, but fancy colors grab people’s attention better than arbitrary shapes
Elon said AI would be guiding the robots and driving the robo taxis.
If this is what ai thinks road markings are, we’re in danger
Current AI doesnt think, so I think we’re good.
What do you mean AI? Have you not seen the new Furd Triangularblobcar?
It’s really funny how conservatives, who are supposed to be pro free market, anti governmental overreach support parking minimums - a concept that clearly is an example of governmental overreach.
Conservatives are pro small government and anti regulation only when it suits their agenda.
Don’t confuse opportunistic conservatives with dogmatic libertarians. They form a coalition most of the time, but conservatives don’t just sell the gun, they use it when they feel threatened in their
wealthpower.you didn’t make a distinction, dogmatic libertarians will happily shoot you to protect their money, fuck they will do it faster than the conservative, these fuckers wait for the day they get to go mad max
100 ft² ≈ 9.29 m²
250 ft² ≈ 23.23 m²
500 ft² ≈ 46.45 m²
There is a ballot measure in Eureka California right now, measure F, in which a local multimillionaire is fighting to keep parking spaces, and stop housing from being built instead.
Parking minimums? Okay? Let’s have maxium distance from train station, maximum distance from bus station, minimum bike parking llaws too.
What’s wrong with underground parkings?
More expensive than the building itself below a certain size
That’s what regulations are for
Underground spots are roughly 20 to 50 thousand dollars each. Surface lots are only a few thousand per spot.
Do you want to invest in my coffee shop idea? I need a few million dollars to build the required parking.
It’s hard to think beyond the individualistic businesses oriented thinking. I see you, it’s ok.
But I was thinking about public parking spaces.
maybe we just don’t really need the parking spaces?
People that need parking spaces choose their representatives and attend city halls. May we need to do the same…
Parking regulations don’t apply to public projects. Strong Towns well documents the problem with parking regulations as they are written and applied in practice. I highly recommend checking it out.
Nothing. Build it if you want, but parking minimums are anti-people and city decaying laws.
The point is, parking minimums should include area maximum. But yeah it seems they are especially designed to be awefull…
Keep the space underground available for underpasses and subways.
I agree, fuck cars, but cars won’t disappear and be banned overnight. Even if we begin getting rid of cars one policy at a time, parking will still be a requirement. I live in a country without any parking requirement laws (no laws at all really), and the roads are uhh… interesting. Even nicer areas have roads that feel like slums because everyone is parked all over the street.
Nothing is preventing a business from building parking spaces though. It’s just getting rid of the requirement to do so. It’s essentially a free-market approach.
I think there are bigger issues wherever you are, in that there doesn’t seem to be (enforced) parking laws. I see this pretty frequently in the Balkans, for instance.
The issue is basically that a lot of places people have this idea that, just because they own a car, they are entitled to a cheap/free place to park it. That type of incentive just leads to more and more people buying cars (and expecting a cheap place to park them) so it just makes the problem worse.
dude, you really should do some introspection if roadside parking makes something look like a slum to you.
in this case, you might be part of the problem
RoadSIDE parking is chill. Middle of the road, all over the road, motorcycles zipping in between parked cars, cars parked on the little sidewalks we have in my country. I’ve visited actual slums in the Middle East: they feel similar.